Sunday Reflection (September 8, 2024)

Sunday Reflection upon Proverbs 22 & Psalm 125

Being known by God is far more important than making a name for oneself or in a collective sense of ‘how great we are.’. Similarly, being known by others as a decent human is of more excellent value than being arrogant and making a name for oneself or gaining riches and fame. This emphasis on character development, the continuous process of personal growth and self-improvement, should inspire and motivate us as followers of Christ, knowing that we are a work in progress. How do we make a name for ourselves with God and others in an ethical sense?

We can make a name for ourselves ethically by treating others with respect, standing up for the oppressed, and using our resources to help those in need. These actions are not just commendable, but they are urgent and necessary in our world today.  Furthermore, take heed lest you learn the ways of hotheads and those given over to anger. We must be careful that we imitate not the way of anger but the way of love and compassion. Remembering that God recognizes those who look out for the most vulnerable is crucial. His approval is the ultimate goal. God will ultimately judge us for injustices and to defame God’s image in others in a personal or social sense.