Sunday Reflection (July 7, 2024)

Sunday Reflection upon 2 Corinthians 12:2-10
Have you ever found yourself reasoning like Paul?  “If I could only rid myself of this ‘thorn in the flesh,’ then I would be perfect and ready for God’s work.” God reminded Paul and us that divine power works through us despite our limitations and weaknesses. We don’t need to be flawless or in perfect circumstances to be instruments of God’s love, kindness, and compassion. This is a universal truth that transcends our individual circumstances, and regardless of our location, position, or relationship, we can all be instruments of God’s love, kindness, and compassion.

Recognizing our imperfections is a crucial step toward spiritual growth. It also makes us more gracious, kind, and patient with others.  We all have limitations and weaknesses, but through the Holy Spirit’s guiding influence, which includes comforting, teaching, and empowering us, and following Jesus Christ’s teachings, God works through us and draws us closer in communion and fellowship with God and one another. This divine guidance gives us a sense of direction and support in our journey towards spiritual growth.