Sunday Reflection (January 3, 2021)
Our Old Testament Scripture Reading for Epiphany Sunday was from Isaiah (60:1-9). Isaiah found hope in a shining light that attracted others. It even mentions the bringing of gifts which is what happened on the day we celebrate Epiphany. The light shone and attracted the Gentile Magi (Wise Men). If you are reading this as a first-century Jew, it is quite a statement that elite members of Persian society would come to worship the King of Israel born in a manger (Matthew 2:1-12). We find ourselves with Gentile Magi paying homage to this Jewish Messiah. We who are Gentiles have brought into a relationship with the God of Israel through Jesus Christ. Paul calls it a revealed mystery and this mystery began to be revealed when the Magi saw the star worshiped the newborn Jewish King, the King of Israel (Ephesians 3:1-12). Yet is this the end of the mystery, or is it the beginning of an even bigger mystery?