Sunday Reflection (February 16, 2025)

Sunday Reflection upon Jeremiah 17:5-10

The Holy Spirit speaks to us boldly and gently, and the Holy Spirit also works through others to point out our deceptions. We need one another to help us step outside ourselves and look at ourselves. This sense of community and support is not just crucial; it’s invaluable in our journey of self-reflection. In a community, we find understanding, connection, and strength in confronting our own faults rather than focusing on the faults of others.

God is patient with us but desires us to recognize the deceitfulness of our hearts as much as we are able. His patience and grace are not just comforting; they are a constant reassurance that we are not alone in our struggle. By turning to God and confronting our deceitfulness, our lives can be a blessing.  God’s Word, revealed in Christ, shows us a different way. May Christ be formed within us and among us so that our ways align with the ways of God revealed in Christ Jesus, providing us with comfort and security in our journey.