Sunday Reflection (August 4, 2024)

Sunday Reflection on Ephesians 4:1-16

The book of Ephesians encourages us to “lead a life worthy of the calling God has called us.” This calling is not an attitude of spiritual superiority but an attitude of humility, gentleness, patience, and, above all, love. This love, expressed through humility and gentleness, leads to unity. This unity is not uniformity. Instead, the diverse gifts and talents each one of us brings, all rooted in love and humility, strengthen the unity of Christ’s Church, making each of us valued and integral.    

We are all in ministry together to build up the body of Christ until we come to maturity. With Christ as our head, we grow in love, a transformative force that shapes us into a new humanity that bears witness to the love of God revealed in Christ. With its transformative power, this love unites us as “One” and serves as our inspiration and hope, filling us with a sense of purpose and optimism.