Sunday Reflection (August 27, 2023)

I hope God’s grace and kindness motivate you to share grace and kindness with others, and not just occasionally, and not just with the people you happen to like. May God’s mercy mold and shape our attitudes and lives because when we share grace and kindness, we do what is good, acceptable, and complete (Romans 12:1-2). I hope we love God and others to the degree that we want others to participate in the grace and kindness that we have experienced from God and others. This is far different from “God’s grace for me and God’s wrath for you.”
Yes, we are far from perfect but do not overlook what God can do through you when you offer yourselves to God as a living sacrifice. In this process we discern God’s will, what is good and perfect in love. May we give the world a glimpse of the character of the One, true, merciful God. May we surrender our lives to God and be transformed by the Holy Spirit so that Christ is formed within us and among us.