Sunday Reflection (April 9, 2023)
It is a historical statement that Jesus was crucified under Pontius Pilate, however, the statement that Jesus rose from the dead is much more complex because it entails a not-so-common experience: Resurrection. The humiliation, tragedy, and scandal of crucifixion were swallowed up in the victory of life over death. The resurrection tells us that in the unfolding of time, God’s love conquers all, even human hatred and malice. Evil cannot overcome good in the unfolding of time.
The resurrection is more than about tomorrow: It is also about today, and how our lives can make a difference for the good because we have been raised to a new life in Christ (Colossians 3:1-4). God not only resurrects and transforms us at the future resurrection, but God also resurrects and transforms us in the present by having Christ formed within us and among us. Resurrection is the transformation of life into a better life for us and those around us. May we live our lives in light of the resurrection with Christ as our “hidden resource” who through the Holy Spirit gives us guidance so that we live as we were destined to live.