Prayer Shawl Ministry On each Thursday morning at 10:00 am and on the first and third Monday evenings from 6 pm to 7 pm, you will find a group of women in the UMW room knitting or crocheting prayer shawls, lap robes or hats.
These items are given to any in our community along with a prayer in a time of need, in times of joy or just because someone feels led to present a shawl to a special friend or family member. If you enjoy knitting or crocheting or would like to learn, come join us. All are welcome. We have yarn and some needles available to help get you started.
Help needed by Knit/Crochet Ministry
HELP….If you can knit or crochet (or would like to learn) FUMC needs your help. There has been such a big demand for shawls, baby blankets, chemo-caps, pocket-prayer shawls that the Knit/Crochet Ministry can’t keep up. They meet 10:00-12:00 on Thursdays; but if you are unable to come at that time and would still like to help out by knitting at home, any time you can spare would be greatly appreciated. Contact Peggy Chappell at 233-0809 and she’ll make sure you get patterns/yarn.