Prayer for the Week (October 20, 2024-October 26, 2024)

Let us pray to the Lord who bends close to hear our prayer: Lord our God, you guard us under the shadow of your wings and search into the depths of our hearts. Remove the blindness that prevents us from knowing you and relieve the fear that hides us from your sight. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
        (Sunday Missal, alt.)




Sunday Reflection (October 20, 2024)

Sunday Reflection upon Isaiah 52:13-53:12
The band REM wrote and sang a profoundly reflective song in the 1980s: “Talk about the Passion.” The central part of the song cries out, “Not everyone can carry the weight of the world,” which is true. Yet the song also points out that we may engage in empty prayers and talk without truly addressing the world’s pain and suffering. The song beckons us to address the passion and pain of the world in a meaningful way.
Remember, we follow “The Ultimate Servant,” Jesus Christ. We can truly make a difference through our collective understanding and actions. May we not make those who suffer scapegoats. May we engage the cause of those who suffer and seek to improve the world and alleviate pain and suffering, not add to it. 

Sunday Sermon October 20, 2024

Devotion October 15, 2024

Prayer for the Week (October 13, 2024-October 19, 2024)

Let us pray to God for the wisdom to follow God’s Son without hesitation: Lord our God, your living Word upsets us because you give first place in your kingdom to the last and least. You call the poor rich and blessed and ask the rich to become poor. Give us the wisdom of living for the things that matter and follow your Son on the road to you and our neighbor. Grant this through Christ our Lord.  Amen.

                                                                                        (Claretian Publications)




Sunday Reflection (October 13, 2024)

Sunday Reflection upon Job 23

In dire straits, Job desires a confrontation with God, yet he has trouble finding God. We have all been in a situation where God seems distant and hidden. Although God seems hidden from Job, Job is not hidden from God. Thus, Job has confidence in God even when God seems hidden. No matter how he suffers, Job is intent on keeping the Lord’s commands, yet his suffering is so heavy that his confidence seemingly gives way to fate, fear, and despair.

Amid suffering and difficulties, we may wonder: God, do I deserve all this? Amid suffering and problems, look to God! Be upfront with God! And don’t give up on keeping the commands of the Lord! Be like Job, who maintained his integrity and faith in God despite suffering. Be like Jesus, who, while hanging on the cross, cried out these words from Psalm 22: “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” May the commands of the Lord Jesus Christ always be in our minds, hearts, thoughts, and actions!

Sunday Sermon October 13, 2024

Devotion October 9, 2024

Devotion October 8, 2024

Sunday Reflection (October 6, 2024)

 Sunday Reflection upon Psalm 8

Psalm 8 tells us that we have been entrusted with the weighty responsibility of stewardship over creation. This concept vastly differs from ancient Near Eastern myths in which the gods created humans to be enslaved and feed the gods. This concept was not the case with the ancient Israelite understanding: Humans have a dignity granted to us by God, but lest we get to think more highly of ourselves, Psalm 8 reminds us that we are stewards, not owners, of God’s creation. This responsibility is not taken lightly but embraced with a deep sense of accountability and commitment.  May we be responsible and wise in managing God’s creation.