Doers and Not Just Hearers.


“But be you doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” [James 1:22 N.K.J.V.]

The Book of James has always been widely debated. Martin Luther, Leader of the Protestant Reformation, did not like it. He called it “that straw epistle” and believed it should be torn from the Canon. Luther thought this way because he rediscovered Paul’s teaching on salvation by faith alone and believed James taught a form of works righteousness or salvation based on what a person did.

Others defended James and said that it was not written in opposition to Paul’s faith alone teachings but to those who had misinterpreted Paul and were saying that once you were saved, you did not have to do anything. James would state: “Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” [James 2:17 N.K.J.V.]

So just what is the relationship between faith and works? John Wesley, founder of the Methodist movement, summed it up this way: “You do good works not to be saved. Rather you do good works because you are saved.” In response to what God has already done for us in Christ Jesus, we want to do all we can to help others and serve the church.

In other words, God did not save you just so you can have a comfortable pew and hear the gospel message. No, God saved you so you can both hear and do God’s word. Nonbelievers challenge us to live what we say we believe; to “walk the walk, not just talk the talk.” James say it this way: “Show me your faith without works, and I will show you my faith by my works.”

So this brings me to my point, sometimes in the winter we slack off in our attendance, our giving, our spiritual life, and our volunteering. However, now is the time to be at our best. Ask God to reveal your gifts and willing to share those gifts with others. I know of no better way to be a doer of God’s word and not a hearer only.


UMW News – January 2017


The members of the UMW are grateful to each of you who helped a local child have a happier Christmas by taking an angel from the Angel Tree. Many thanks! Our next meeting will be January 10th at 10:00 am in the UMW room. We will have our pledge program and Danise is in charge. We hope everyone will attend.

January 22nd we will host the annual new-members meal for our entire church family. We will provide meat, bread and drinks. Please come and bring your favorite side dish or dessert and enjoy a meal and fellowship. The dinner will be immediately following the 11:00 am worship service. Looking forward to seeing each of you that day.


Ruth Sizemore would like to thank all the members, and volunteers who helped make our children’s ministry possible this year.

God has blessed me with great help and inspiration.

Keep up the good work!

Ruth Sizemore,
Chair of Children’s Ministry 2016

Ruth Sizemore would like to thank all those who helped make our church more beautiful for the Christmas season.   From putting up the decorations and trimming the tree, to helping with the poinsettias, it was a real pleasure to work with all of you.

Ruth Sizemore,
Chair of Decorating Committee 2016

What’s going on in Room 109?

Well on Sunday, December 11th, that room was filled with 22 happy smiling children. The room was beautifully decorated by Dianne and Jolene. They also had the foresight to bring in large tables and more chairs. Our theme was, “Happy Birthday Jesus.”

Pastor Richard opened our program with a prayer.

Ruth told the Christmas story featuring the shepherds, angels, and the big star. The star led us to Bethlehem. Becky explained what swaddling clothes and the manger meant. We had handouts for all the children. They colored, matched, found the answer and then got together to make a mural. What fun!!

Craft time presented a little problem since we thought 12 to 15 children would be a good number to expect.

We were running low on craft supplies and while I freaked out and went looking in the supply room for a substitute, Jolene, Linda, and Nancy gave a good lesson on sharing and we had plenty of “snow” to go around, and some left over.

After pizza, cookies, and drinks, Dianne gave each child a bag of goodies to take home.

So what is going on in room 109? Love, joy, and especially God’s Love in abundance.

Watch announcements for our next event. We hope to see all the children again!

Ruth Sizemore,
Chair of Children’s Ministry 2016

New Year’s Resolutions.

The beginning of a New Year is a time that many of us make “New Year’s Resolutions.” Unfortunately for most of us, these are broken before the last football game is finished. Regardless of what our resolutions are (to go on a diet, to exercise more, to give up some bad habit, or to do something good for someone) we find it is so hard to do these things. So often we get discouraged and quit.

This struggle to bring about a change in our life is not something that is new with our generations. The apostle Paul also had to deal with this problem. To the church at Rome he wrote: “For even though the desire to do good is in me, I am not able to do it. I don’t do the good I want to do: instead I do the evil that I do not wnt to do.” [Romans 7:18-19 T.E.V.]

However Paul learned that, even though he could not change himself, Jesus could change him! The key to being the person God wants you to be is allowing Jesus to have control of your life so he can change you. Therefore, I would like to offer the following New Year Resolutions for us all to help bring about this Jesus centered change not only in our life but in the life of the church as well: In 2017 I resolve to pray more, read and study the Bible Regularly, support my church by my attendance and giving, get involved with Sunday School Class, or other Study Group, invite and bring someone to church with me, volunteer some of my time in service to others, make an intentional effort to put the needs of others above my own.

If we can do these things and can allow Jesus to replace self as the number one priority in our lives, then 2017 will be a tremendous year and our New Year’s Resolutions will not be broken by January second.


Altar Arrangements

As 2017 is fastly approaching, we will start a new calendar for altar arrangements. If you would like to have the altar flowers in commemoration of a birthday, anniversary, or in memory of a family member, please let Jolene Bilbrey know by email ( or call the church office at 276-236-2311.

UMW News – November 2016

The members of the UMW would like to express our sincere appreciation to all who came and supported our UMW Sunday and to those who came to the meal following the second service. Also, thanks to all who took part in the service and who helped downstairs. It helps us to know that our church family cares. Due to the November election, our next meeting will be on November 1st at 10:00 am in the UMW room. This will be our World Thank program and Mariah is in charge. Please try to attend.



Well, it is that time of year again! November brings Thanksgiving and the start of the Holiday Season. Before we know it we often get so caught up in our hectic schedules and holiday agendas that we really have time for nothing else.

I truly do not think that is what Thanksgiving should be about. Rather it should be a time to draw apart, a time to “be still” and know God, a time to share blessings with others. These things should be our aims and goals not just for Thanksgiving but also all through the year.

May I suggest a way to share your blessings and show your thankfulness? I would like to call this the “Adopt a Friend” method. This is a way for you to take personal responsibility for, and show interest in someone else. Maybe you know a shut-in who needs a ride to church, an elderly person, or nursing home resident who needs a visit, card, or phone call. A family that is grieving the loss of a loved one, a younger person who has a long term illness and needs to know that the church still cares or a new resident who may come to our church if they are shown a personal interest; in these and other ways your talents and your time can be used to share your blessings with someone else.

I think you will enjoy Thanksgiving and the holiday season a whole lot more if you share with those who need a friend. Try it and see.


Christmas Poinsettias Available Now!

If you would like to place a poinsettia in the sanctuary for Christmas in honor or memory of an individual, orders are now being accepted. 8 inch red Poinsettia’s will be ordered from Personal Touch Florist and the cost is $20.00 each. Ruth Sizemore and her helpers will also be making bow’s for the poinsettia’s. If you would like to order a poinsettia please submit your order by Nov. 9th with the payment to the church office. You can download the form by clicking here.

UMW News – October 2016

October is fast approaching and will be a very busy month for our UMW.  October 11 is our regular meeting day.  Linda Burnette has our program and we will also install officers for the upcoming year On October 22 we will travel to Jordan’s Chapel for Wytheville District UMW Fall Annual Meeting.  Let me know if you’d like to join us for that trip!  Due to elections in November our UMW meeting has been changed to November 1.

We are getting things ready for the Angel Tree project since Christmas is just around the corner.  More on that will be coming soon.

Mark your calendar for our UMW Sunday on Oct. 16th and plan to bring your favorite dish for our covered dish meal following the 11:00 service.  We will provide meat, bread, and drinks.  I’m sure you will want to hear our new district superintendent, Rev. Kim Goddard and to have the opportunity to meet her.