Ask anybody in our church where our challenges lie and they will tell you, “we need more children and young families”. I think this is a challenge for all churches. But one I think we can meet with God’s help. I will be calling a meeting of our children’s ministry team in the near future to make plans for the coming year.
I plan to offer Bible School this year as well as other activities for any children who are interested.
I covet your prayers and my suggestions to make this work for God and our church. Please feel free to come to me with any concerns, your help is needed and welcome.
Our committee members are:
Barbara Boyer, Nancy Frangos, Glen Grimes, Dianne Marshall, Madison Parks (youth), Sena Parks
Blessing, Ruth Sizemore – Chair Children’s Ministry Team
Children’s Ministry News – May 2017
We are thankful to God for working through our church to serve children in our area.
The Children’s committee would like to let you know that our Easter event was definitely a success. There were 17 children!!! YAY! The activities included the story about Jesus riding the donkey through the street on Palm Sunday, a parade with the children shouting and waving palm branches, an egg hunt, petting live bunnies, the Easter story and refreshments.
We also had lots of good help from our youth and our committee members. We would like to thank the youth for hiding the eggs, Jolene for bringing 3 of her live rabbits, and our church family for prayers and contributions. Because of all the contributions made by so many we sent the children home with plastic eggs filled with candy but also A LOT MORE!
Please join us for our CHILDREN’S EASTER EVENT
Please join us for our CHILDREN’S EASTER EVENT
Egg Hunt
Bring a friend-rain or shine.
We will meet in FELLOWSHIP HALL downstairs.
Any questions call: 233-7841 OR 236-6008
If anyone would like to donate covered candy, stickers or small toys to be placed in eggs there is a box in the annex area by April 5th. Thank you for helping make this an enjoyable event for the children!
Ruth Sizemore would like to thank all the members, and volunteers who helped make our children’s ministry possible this year.
God has blessed me with great help and inspiration.
Keep up the good work!
Ruth Sizemore,
Chair of Children’s Ministry 2016
Ruth Sizemore would like to thank all those who helped make our church more beautiful for the Christmas season. From putting up the decorations and trimming the tree, to helping with the poinsettias, it was a real pleasure to work with all of you.

Ruth Sizemore,
Chair of Decorating Committee 2016