Kid Junction
A Ministry Assisting Families with Children
What is Kid Junction?
It is a local mission provided by and operated through the
Galax First United Methodist Church on W. Center St. (across from the Fire Department).
It is funded by donations and staffed by volunteers.
It serves families with children (birth through middle school age)
once every four months if needed.
Each child in the family receives personal hygiene items: toothbrush, toothpaste,
body wash, a washcloth, diapers, wipes, lotion for babies, one set of clothing
(new or slightly used), underwear, shoes, socks, etc. at NO CHARGE!
Backpacks if needed and available.
It is open from 10:00-12 Noon on the 3rd Monday of each month.
TEXT OR CALL DIANNE at 276-233-7841 OR call the church office at 276-236-9937.
“But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.”
Hebrews 13:16 (NKJV)
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“Count your many blessings; name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done.”
The other night I was having trouble sleeping. Some people say that sleeplessness is a part of the aging process, but I am too young for that to be the problem, so there must have been another reason. Pretty soon I was having a real pity party. In my mind I was going through a long litany of problems and things that were wrong in my life. Then all of a sudden the words of a song I thought I had long forgotten came into my mind. Try as I would I could not get these words out of my consciousness.
Those words were: “Count your many blessing, name them one by one, count your many blessing see what God has done.” I began to do that and pretty soon I realized just how much God has blessed me. The next thing I knew it was morning. When I awoke I wanted to finish my list. I soon realized it could not be finished! God’s blessings are really without number!
Maybe what I came to understand is the true meaning of what Thanksgiving really is: being thankful for the good things God gives us and not allowing the problems that we incur become the things that control us and give us our identity. When we dwell entirely on the negative we lose sight of the positive.
By the way here are some of the things that topped my list. 1. Jesus Christ-God loved me enough to send His Only Begotten Son to be my Savior. 2. The beauty of creation-God looked at all God had made and indeed it was very good. [Geneses 1:31] That goodness has not been totally overcome. 3. First United Methodist-Galax- I am blessed to serve a church that loves the Lord and cares of each other. 4. The portion of health that I enjoy-my health problems are not getting any worse. 5. Family-I thank God for those who love me, sometimes in spite of me.
I am also very thankful for friends, for our new Daybreak Worship Service, and the fact that three different people have told me within the past month that we are a friendly, warm, caring congregation.
May we all begin to count our blessings and realize just what God has done for us. May we do this not just on the fourth Thursday of November but each and every day we live.
“But Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart.” Luke 2:19 NRSV
What difference would it makes in your life if there were no Christmas? I few years ago I attend a Youth Service in which this question was the theme. As the young speakers spoke on this topic I found myself really caught up in that question. What difference does Christmas make?
One answer is to get involved with the commercial aspects of the holiday and say that the merchants would be hurt economically. It seems as if Christmas is exploited commercially more and more as stores put out Christmas merchandise and put up Christmas decorations earlier and earlier. I think I saw some before Labor Day this year. Christmas shopping has become the main money making time of the year. This is shown by the whole “Black Friday” craze. Originally the day after Thanksgiving was called Black Friday because sales on that day are counted on to move the profit margin out of the Red, signifying loss, into the Black, signifying a profit. However now stores open on Thanksgiving evening or even stay open all day! So if Christmas had not happened there would be no Christmas shopping and the merchants would suffer.
Another answer comes on a deeper spiritual level and that is to say that if Christmas had not happened Jesus would not have been born. For on that first Christmas a Savior was given. Emmanuel came to redeem captive humanity. The Incarnation proves that God loves us enough to become one of us in order to save us. For without Christmas there could be no Easter. IF Jesus had not been born then he could not die on the cross and been raised again so that we could have a right relationship with. A relationship not marred and separated by sin.
Sadly not everyone knows this, or if they know about the meaning of Christmas they live as if they just do not care. For a majority of people spiritually it is as if Christmas had not happened! It seems that this was the case right from the start; the vast majority of people in Bethlehem that night did not have a clue as to what was happening. I rather imagine that many of the guests at the inn complained about the noise in the stable. After all there were shepherds coming and going and then there was that pesky star light shining so brightly that they just could not sleep. And the greatest gift the world has ever known went unappreciated.
One of my favorite parts of the Christmas story is what Luke said about Mary in the verse quoted above. She pondered these things in her heart. For me this says that even though Mary did not fully understand what all this meant, she knew that the birth of Jesus was something special and Mary knew that Christmas had changed people’s lives forever.
So this year take the time to ponder the true meaning of Jesus’ birth in your heart and do not get caught up in the buying and getting, the shopping and the giving and the spending, that you cannot enjoy the season. For if Christmas had not happened we would still be lost in our sins. May we all let the words of a great Christmas hymn give us guidance as we “go tell it on the mountain, over the hill and everywhere: go tell it not the mountain that Jesus Christ is born.” If we do that maybe everyone will say: “I would not like my life if Christmas had not happened,” and then the world will be a better place.
“For I am the LORD who brought you up from the Land of Egypt, to be your God; you shall be holy, for I am holy.” [Leviticus 11:45 N.R.S.V.]
Holiness is a topic we do not hear much about anymore, although there seems to be renewed interest in holiness in the United Methodist Church. This is good, for after all, the Wesleyan Revival was a holiness movement from the very start. Yet have you ever stopped to answer this question “Just what is holiness?
Many of us when we think of holiness think of those groups who separated from Methodism in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries to form their own “Holiness” denominations-group such as what is now the Wesleyan Church, the Church of the Nazarene, the Salvation Army and the Church of God. These groups are often identified by plain dress, a certain type of hairstyle and not wearing any jewelry or make-up. These outward signs of holiness are often what we equate with the meaning of the word. Yet holiness is much more than just these outward signs. It is really a change in lifestyle that makes us more like God and also like what God wants us to be.
There are two important parts of holiness. These are personal holiness and social holiness. Both parts are equally important. Personal holiness deals with such things as not stealing, killing or committing adultery or any of the other so called “big sins” we hear so much about these days. However personal holiness goes far beyond just keeping these commandments. For Jesus reminded us that while we may not have killed, we have gotten angry; while we may not steal, we have wanted what others have; and while we may not have committed adultery, we have lusted and wanted to! [Matthew 5:25] True personal holiness is living your life in such a way that it models the love of Jesus to all. We seek this not simply because God will “get us” is we do not, but because God’s love has already “gotten us.”
Social holiness is living your life in such a way that it makes a difference in our world. Disciples of Jesus are mandated to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, care for the sick and hurting, visit the prisoners and treat the outcasts the weak and those who live on the margin of society with respect and dignity. When we study the gospel we find that Jesus taught more about these things than anything else. In fact, there are more verses in the Bible that deal with how we use our money than any other topic!
So, what is holiness? For me holiness is living a life that shows Jesus Christ to the world, both in what we do personally and how we treat others socially as well. To be holy as God is holy can easily be dismissed as an unattainable pipedream, or it can be a real challenge for us to strive to attain. In the weeks, months and years ahead, when we hear of holiness, let us not think just of those other groups; let us think about striving to be holy as God is holy!
“Count your many blessings; name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done.”
The other night I was having trouble sleeping. Some people say that sleeplessness is a part of the aging process, but I am too young for that to be the problem, so there must have been another reason. Pretty soon I was having a real pity party. In my mind I was going through a long litany of problems and things that were wrong in my life. Then all of a sudden the words of a song I thought I had long forgotten came into my mind. Try as I would I could not get these words out of my consciousness.
Those words were: “Count your many blessing, name them one by one, count your many blessing see what God has done.” I began to do that and pretty soon I realized just how much God has blessed me. The next thing I knew it was morning. When I awoke I wanted to finish my list. I soon realized it could not be finished! God’s blessings are really without number!
Maybe what I came to understand is the true meaning of what Thanksgiving really is: being thankful for the good things God gives us and not allowing the problems that we incur become the things that control us and give us our identity. When we dwell entirely on the negative we lose sight of the positive.
By the way here are some of the things that topped my list. 1. Jesus Christ-God loved me enough to send His Only Begotten Son to be my Savior. 2. The beauty of creation-God looked at all God had made and indeed it was very good. [Geneses 1:31] That goodness has not been totally overcome. 3. First United Methodist-Galax- I am blessed to serve a church that loves the Lord and cares of each other. 4. The portion of health that I enjoy-my health problems are not getting any worse. 5. Family-I thank God for those who love me, sometimes in spite of me.
I am also very thankful for friends, for our new Daybreak Worship Service, and the fact that three different people have told me within the past month that we are a friendly, warm, caring congregation.
May we all begin to count our blessings and realize just what God has done for us. May we do this not just on the fourth Thursday of November but each and every day we live.
“But Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart.” Luke 2:19 NRSV
What difference would it makes in your life if there were no Christmas? I few years ago I attend a Youth Service in which this question was the theme. As the young speakers spoke on this topic I found myself really caught up in that question. What difference does Christmas make?
One answer is to get involved with the commercial aspects of the holiday and say that the merchants would be hurt economically. It seems as if Christmas is exploited commercially more and more as stores put out Christmas merchandise and put up Christmas decorations earlier and earlier. I think I saw some before Labor Day this year. Christmas shopping has become the main money making time of the year. This is shown by the whole “Black Friday” craze. Originally the day after Thanksgiving was called Black Friday because sales on that day are counted on to move the profit margin out of the Red, signifying loss, into the Black, signifying a profit. However now stores open on Thanksgiving evening or even stay open all day! So if Christmas had not happened there would be no Christmas shopping and the merchants would suffer.
Another answer comes on a deeper spiritual level and that is to say that if Christmas had not happened Jesus would not have been born. For on that first Christmas a Savior was given. Emmanuel came to redeem captive humanity. The Incarnation proves that God loves us enough to become one of us in order to save us. For without Christmas there could be no Easter. IF Jesus had not been born then he could not die on the cross and been raised again so that we could have a right relationship with. A relationship not marred and separated by sin.
Sadly not everyone knows this, or if they know about the meaning of Christmas they live as if they just do not care. For a majority of people spiritually it is as if Christmas had not happened! It seems that this was the case right from the start; the vast majority of people in Bethlehem that night did not have a clue as to what was happening. I rather imagine that many of the guests at the inn complained about the noise in the stable. After all there were shepherds coming and going and then there was that pesky star light shining so brightly that they just could not sleep. And the greatest gift the world has ever known went unappreciated.
One of my favorite parts of the Christmas story is what Luke said about Mary in the verse quoted above. She pondered these things in her heart. For me this says that even though Mary did not fully understand what all this meant, she knew that the birth of Jesus was something special and Mary knew that Christmas had changed people’s lives forever.
So this year take the time to ponder the true meaning of Jesus’ birth in your heart and do not get caught up in the buying and getting, the shopping and the giving and the spending, that you cannot enjoy the season. For if Christmas had not happened we would still be lost in our sins. May we all let the words of a great Christmas hymn give us guidance as we “go tell it on the mountain, over the hill and everywhere: go tell it not the mountain that Jesus Christ is born.” If we do that maybe everyone will say: “I would not like my life if Christmas had not happened,” and then the world will be a better place.
“For I am the LORD who brought you up from the Land of Egypt, to be your God; you shall be holy, for I am holy.” [Leviticus 11:45 N.R.S.V.]
Holiness is a topic we do not hear much about anymore, although there seems to be renewed interest in holiness in the United Methodist Church. This is good, for after all, the Wesleyan Revival was a holiness movement from the very start. Yet have you ever stopped to answer this question “Just what is holiness?
Many of us when we think of holiness think of those groups who separated from Methodism in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries to form their own “Holiness” denominations-group such as what is now the Wesleyan Church, the Church of the Nazarene, the Salvation Army and the Church of God. These groups are often identified by plain dress, a certain type of hairstyle and not wearing any jewelry or make-up. These outward signs of holiness are often what we equate with the meaning of the word. Yet holiness is much more than just these outward signs. It is really a change in lifestyle that makes us more like God and also like what God wants us to be.
There are two important parts of holiness. These are personal holiness and social holiness. Both parts are equally important. Personal holiness deals with such things as not stealing, killing or committing adultery or any of the other so called “big sins” we hear so much about these days. However personal holiness goes far beyond just keeping these commandments. For Jesus reminded us that while we may not have killed, we have gotten angry; while we may not steal, we have wanted what others have; and while we may not have committed adultery, we have lusted and wanted to! [Matthew 5:25] True personal holiness is living your life in such a way that it models the love of Jesus to all. We seek this not simply because God will “get us” is we do not, but because God’s love has already “gotten us.”
Social holiness is living your life in such a way that it makes a difference in our world. Disciples of Jesus are mandated to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, care for the sick and hurting, visit the prisoners and treat the outcasts the weak and those who live on the margin of society with respect and dignity. When we study the gospel we find that Jesus taught more about these things than anything else. In fact, there are more verses in the Bible that deal with how we use our money than any other topic!
So, what is holiness? For me holiness is living a life that shows Jesus Christ to the world, both in what we do personally and how we treat others socially as well. To be holy as God is holy can easily be dismissed as an unattainable pipedream, or it can be a real challenge for us to strive to attain. In the weeks, months and years ahead, when we hear of holiness, let us not think just of those other groups; let us think about striving to be holy as God is holy!