Kid Junction
A Ministry Assisting Families with Children
What is Kid Junction?
It is a local mission provided by and operated through the
Galax First United Methodist Church on W. Center St. (across from the Fire Department).
It is funded by donations and staffed by volunteers.
It serves families with children (birth through middle school age)
once every four months if needed.
Each child in the family receives personal hygiene items: toothbrush, toothpaste,
body wash, a washcloth, diapers, wipes, lotion for babies, one set of clothing
(new or slightly used), underwear, shoes, socks, etc. at NO CHARGE!
Backpacks if needed and available.
It is open from 10:00-12 Noon on the 3rd Monday of each month.
TEXT OR CALL DIANNE at 276-233-7841 OR call the church office at 276-236-9937.
“But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.”
Hebrews 13:16 (NKJV)
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Well on Sunday, December 11th, that room was filled with 22 happy smiling children. The room was beautifully decorated by Dianne and Jolene. They also had the foresight to bring in large tables and more chairs. Our theme was, “Happy Birthday Jesus.”
Pastor Richard opened our program with a prayer.
Ruth told the Christmas story featuring the shepherds, angels, and the big star. The star led us to Bethlehem. Becky explained what swaddling clothes and the manger meant. We had handouts for all the children. They colored, matched, found the answer and then got together to make a mural. What fun!!
Craft time presented a little problem since we thought 12 to 15 children would be a good number to expect.
We were running low on craft supplies and while I freaked out and went looking in the supply room for a substitute, Jolene, Linda, and Nancy gave a good lesson on sharing and we had plenty of “snow” to go around, and some left over.
After pizza, cookies, and drinks, Dianne gave each child a bag of goodies to take home.
So what is going on in room 109? Love, joy, and especially God’s Love in abundance.
Watch announcements for our next event. We hope to see all the children again!
Ruth Sizemore,
Chair of Children’s Ministry 2016
The beginning of a New Year is a time that many of us make “New Year’s Resolutions.” Unfortunately for most of us, these are broken before the last football game is finished. Regardless of what our resolutions are (to go on a diet, to exercise more, to give up some bad habit, or to do something good for someone) we find it is so hard to do these things. So often we get discouraged and quit.
This struggle to bring about a change in our life is not something that is new with our generations. The apostle Paul also had to deal with this problem. To the church at Rome he wrote: “For even though the desire to do good is in me, I am not able to do it. I don’t do the good I want to do: instead I do the evil that I do not wnt to do.” [Romans 7:18-19 T.E.V.]
However Paul learned that, even though he could not change himself, Jesus could change him! The key to being the person God wants you to be is allowing Jesus to have control of your life so he can change you. Therefore, I would like to offer the following New Year Resolutions for us all to help bring about this Jesus centered change not only in our life but in the life of the church as well: In 2017 I resolve to pray more, read and study the Bible Regularly, support my church by my attendance and giving, get involved with Sunday School Class, or other Study Group, invite and bring someone to church with me, volunteer some of my time in service to others, make an intentional effort to put the needs of others above my own.
If we can do these things and can allow Jesus to replace self as the number one priority in our lives, then 2017 will be a tremendous year and our New Year’s Resolutions will not be broken by January second.
As 2017 is fastly approaching, we will start a new calendar for altar arrangements. If you would like to have the altar flowers in commemoration of a birthday, anniversary, or in memory of a family member, please let Jolene Bilbrey know by email ( or call the church office at 276-236-2311.
Well on Sunday, December 11th, that room was filled with 22 happy smiling children. The room was beautifully decorated by Dianne and Jolene. They also had the foresight to bring in large tables and more chairs. Our theme was, “Happy Birthday Jesus.”
Pastor Richard opened our program with a prayer.
Ruth told the Christmas story featuring the shepherds, angels, and the big star. The star led us to Bethlehem. Becky explained what swaddling clothes and the manger meant. We had handouts for all the children. They colored, matched, found the answer and then got together to make a mural. What fun!!
Craft time presented a little problem since we thought 12 to 15 children would be a good number to expect.
We were running low on craft supplies and while I freaked out and went looking in the supply room for a substitute, Jolene, Linda, and Nancy gave a good lesson on sharing and we had plenty of “snow” to go around, and some left over.
After pizza, cookies, and drinks, Dianne gave each child a bag of goodies to take home.
So what is going on in room 109? Love, joy, and especially God’s Love in abundance.
Watch announcements for our next event. We hope to see all the children again!
Ruth Sizemore,
Chair of Children’s Ministry 2016
The beginning of a New Year is a time that many of us make “New Year’s Resolutions.” Unfortunately for most of us, these are broken before the last football game is finished. Regardless of what our resolutions are (to go on a diet, to exercise more, to give up some bad habit, or to do something good for someone) we find it is so hard to do these things. So often we get discouraged and quit.
This struggle to bring about a change in our life is not something that is new with our generations. The apostle Paul also had to deal with this problem. To the church at Rome he wrote: “For even though the desire to do good is in me, I am not able to do it. I don’t do the good I want to do: instead I do the evil that I do not wnt to do.” [Romans 7:18-19 T.E.V.]
However Paul learned that, even though he could not change himself, Jesus could change him! The key to being the person God wants you to be is allowing Jesus to have control of your life so he can change you. Therefore, I would like to offer the following New Year Resolutions for us all to help bring about this Jesus centered change not only in our life but in the life of the church as well: In 2017 I resolve to pray more, read and study the Bible Regularly, support my church by my attendance and giving, get involved with Sunday School Class, or other Study Group, invite and bring someone to church with me, volunteer some of my time in service to others, make an intentional effort to put the needs of others above my own.
If we can do these things and can allow Jesus to replace self as the number one priority in our lives, then 2017 will be a tremendous year and our New Year’s Resolutions will not be broken by January second.
As 2017 is fastly approaching, we will start a new calendar for altar arrangements. If you would like to have the altar flowers in commemoration of a birthday, anniversary, or in memory of a family member, please let Jolene Bilbrey know by email ( or call the church office at 276-236-2311.