Kid Junction
A Ministry Assisting Families with Children
What is Kid Junction?
It is a local mission provided by and operated through the
Galax First United Methodist Church on W. Center St. (across from the Fire Department).
It is funded by donations and staffed by volunteers.
It serves families with children (birth through middle school age)
once every four months if needed.
Each child in the family receives personal hygiene items: toothbrush, toothpaste,
body wash, a washcloth, diapers, wipes, lotion for babies, one set of clothing
(new or slightly used), underwear, shoes, socks, etc. at NO CHARGE!
Backpacks if needed and available.
It is open from 10:00-12 Noon on the 3rd Monday of each month.
TEXT OR CALL DIANNE at 276-233-7841 OR call the church office at 276-236-9937.
“But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.”
Hebrews 13:16 (NKJV)
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On May 25th the Administrative Board approved the consolidation of our Sunday Worship Services to one in an effort to bring us closer as a congregation. Starting July 2nd Sunday School will be at 9:30 and Worship Services will start at 10:30.
Mt. Olivet UMC has invited our church to join them in providing a one day Bible School on Saturday, July 15 from 10-2 at our church for the children in downtown Galax. Of course our children will be invited to attend. It will be advertised at GOD’S STOREHOUSE. Mt. Olivet has been working with the children there on Monday night since before Christmas.
If you are willing to volunteer to help in any way please let me or one of the children’s committee members know. You will be hearing more about this special event as we find out. Mt. Olivet has the materials but we do have to work out the details. Please keep this upcoming event in your prayers. All children need to know the love Jesus has to offer them.
“Let the little children come unto me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God
belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14 (NIV)
Our May event was an End of School Blast held in the youth lounge. 7 children were present. They had a marvelous time. Activities incuded:
I would like to thank all the committee members in the planning of and or helping at all events. We have a great committee who is willing to help in any way possible.
Dianne Marshall
On May 25th the Administrative Board approved the consolidation of our Sunday Worship Services to one in an effort to bring us closer as a congregation. Starting July 2nd Sunday School will be at 9:30 and Worship Services will start at 10:30.
Mt. Olivet UMC has invited our church to join them in providing a one day Bible School on Saturday, July 15 from 10-2 at our church for the children in downtown Galax. Of course our children will be invited to attend. It will be advertised at GOD’S STOREHOUSE. Mt. Olivet has been working with the children there on Monday night since before Christmas.
If you are willing to volunteer to help in any way please let me or one of the children’s committee members know. You will be hearing more about this special event as we find out. Mt. Olivet has the materials but we do have to work out the details. Please keep this upcoming event in your prayers. All children need to know the love Jesus has to offer them.
“Let the little children come unto me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God
belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14 (NIV)
Our May event was an End of School Blast held in the youth lounge. 7 children were present. They had a marvelous time. Activities incuded:
I would like to thank all the committee members in the planning of and or helping at all events. We have a great committee who is willing to help in any way possible.
Dianne Marshall