Kid Junction
A Ministry Assisting Families with Children
What is Kid Junction?
It is a local mission provided by and operated through the
Galax First United Methodist Church on W. Center St. (across from the Fire Department).
It is funded by donations and staffed by volunteers.
It serves families with children (birth through middle school age)
once every four months if needed.
Each child in the family receives personal hygiene items: toothbrush, toothpaste,
body wash, a washcloth, diapers, wipes, lotion for babies, one set of clothing
(new or slightly used), underwear, shoes, socks, etc. at NO CHARGE!
Backpacks if needed and available.
It is open from 10:00-12 Noon on the 3rd Monday of each month.
TEXT OR CALL DIANNE at 276-233-7841 OR call the church office at 276-236-9937.
“But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.”
Hebrews 13:16 (NKJV)
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Let us pray that through us others find the way to life in Christ: Father, we come, reborn in the Spirit, to celebrate our sonship and daughtership in the Lord Jesus Christ. Touch our hearts and help them grow toward the life you have promised. Touch our lives and make them signs of your love for all. Grant this through Christ our Lord who eternally dwells with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and forevermore. Amen.
(Sunday Missal alt.)
Remember, you reap what you sow! The elder brothers of Joseph sold him into slavery and deceived their aged father, Israel, about the circumstances. Later in life, Joseph rose to be second in command of all Egypt and his brothers come to Egypt seeking food. Joseph recognized them but they did not recognize him. Now they stand before Joseph who has power and position over his brothers, and they stand before him powerless. How will Joseph utilize his power and position?
The great beauty of this story is that Joseph broke the cycle of malice, revenge, hatred, and violence (Genesis 45:1-16). Joseph reaches out in compassion, forgiveness, and reconciliation! This is also the story of God’s love revealed in Jesus Christ: Through forgiveness God reaches out to us in reconciliation and embrace. What about our reconciliation with others? Perhaps, at times, the least we can do is not be malicious and mean to those from whom we are estranged. Nevertheless, are you ready to seek to be reconciled with others as much as you are able? The story of Joseph tells us that it is possible. The story of Jesus tells us it is possible. The stories of Joseph and Jesus tell us that the cycles of malice, revenge, hatred, and violence are broken! May we live out our lives with that Good News!
Let us pray that through us others find the way to life in Christ: Father, we come, reborn in the Spirit, to celebrate our sonship and daughtership in the Lord Jesus Christ. Touch our hearts and help them grow toward the life you have promised. Touch our lives and make them signs of your love for all. Grant this through Christ our Lord who eternally dwells with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and forevermore. Amen.
(Sunday Missal alt.)
Remember, you reap what you sow! The elder brothers of Joseph sold him into slavery and deceived their aged father, Israel, about the circumstances. Later in life, Joseph rose to be second in command of all Egypt and his brothers come to Egypt seeking food. Joseph recognized them but they did not recognize him. Now they stand before Joseph who has power and position over his brothers, and they stand before him powerless. How will Joseph utilize his power and position?
The great beauty of this story is that Joseph broke the cycle of malice, revenge, hatred, and violence (Genesis 45:1-16). Joseph reaches out in compassion, forgiveness, and reconciliation! This is also the story of God’s love revealed in Jesus Christ: Through forgiveness God reaches out to us in reconciliation and embrace. What about our reconciliation with others? Perhaps, at times, the least we can do is not be malicious and mean to those from whom we are estranged. Nevertheless, are you ready to seek to be reconciled with others as much as you are able? The story of Joseph tells us that it is possible. The story of Jesus tells us it is possible. The stories of Joseph and Jesus tell us that the cycles of malice, revenge, hatred, and violence are broken! May we live out our lives with that Good News!