Kid Junction
A Ministry Assisting Families with Children
What is Kid Junction?
It is a local mission provided by and operated through the
Galax First United Methodist Church on W. Center St. (across from the Fire Department).
It is funded by donations and staffed by volunteers.
It serves families with children (birth through middle school age)
once every four months if needed.
Each child in the family receives personal hygiene items: toothbrush, toothpaste,
body wash, a washcloth, diapers, wipes, lotion for babies, one set of clothing
(new or slightly used), underwear, shoes, socks, etc. at NO CHARGE!
Backpacks if needed and available.
It is open from 10:00-12 Noon on the 3rd Monday of each month.
TEXT OR CALL DIANNE at 276-233-7841 OR call the church office at 276-236-9937.
“But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.”
Hebrews 13:16 (NKJV)
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God is not a distant, impersonal God who demands blind obedience or no obedience at all; rather, the Holy Spirit moves from God and brings us into fellowship with Christ, each other, and the Father whom we address as “Our Father who art in heaven.” In Jesus Christ God’s Word was enfleshed (or the Latin word, “incarnate”) and lived among us (John 1:1-5, 14). Through this move from God to us, Christ is formed within us and among us (John 1:15-17). As a response to this move from God to us, God invites us to participate in the move of God’s compassion to the world by learning to be his disciples and teaching others to be his disciples (Matthew 28:16-20).
God is not a distant, impersonal God who demands blind obedience or no obedience at all; rather, the Holy Spirit moves from God and brings us into fellowship with Christ, each other, and the Father whom we address as “Our Father who art in heaven.” In Jesus Christ God’s Word was enfleshed (or the Latin word, “incarnate”) and lived among us (John 1:1-5, 14). Through this move from God to us, Christ is formed within us and among us (John 1:15-17). As a response to this move from God to us, God invites us to participate in the move of God’s compassion to the world by learning to be his disciples and teaching others to be his disciples (Matthew 28:16-20).