Sunday Reflection (March 21, 2021)
Christ suffered because he was obedient in choosing to love God and others. Even on the way to crucifixion, Jesus did not become hardhearted and bitter. In all his trials Jesus reverently submitted to God and God’s way of mercy, forgiveness, and compassion, but we humans have a tendency to reject and act violently against […]
Prayer for the Week (March 21-March 28, 2021)
Let us pray for the courage to embrace the world in the name of Christ: Father in heaven, the love of your Son led him to accept the suffering of the cross so that humankind might embrace new life. Change our selfishness into self-giving and lead us to embrace the world you have given us so […]
Sunday Reflection (March 14, 2021)
Spiritual growth is about letting the light of God shine into the darkness of our sin, but God’s light is so bright that we can only incrementally come to terms with it. It is like when we have been in a dark room and suddenly the lights are turned on: It takes time to adjust. […]
Prayer for the Week (March 14-March 20, 2021)
O God, the source of all light, you gaze into the depths of our inmost hearts. Never permit the powers of darkness to hold your people captive but open our eyes by the grace of your Spirit, so that we be able to look upon your Son and see the one you sent to be […]