Prayer for the Week (October 10-October 16, 2021)
Let us pray to God for the wisdom to follow God’s Son without hesitation: Lord our God, your living Word upsets us because you give first place in your kingdom to the last and least. You call the poor rich and blessed and ask the rich to […]
Sunday Reflection (October 10, 2021)
God judged the ruling classes of ancient Israel because mistreating the poor was a fundamental rejection of Israel’s relationship with God. God took notice (Amos 5:6-7, 10-15). When the “rich, young ruler” approached Jesus, Jesus told him to sell all he had, and give to the poor. He walked away (Mark 10:17-26). God’s Word, Jesus […]
Sunday Reflection (October 3, 2021)
When we welcome children, we welcome God. When we welcome the powerless and vulnerable, we welcome God. When I say welcome, I do not mean a condescending welcoming, but a true offering of friendship as equals because before God, we are all powerless and vulnerable. Jesus did not tolerate contempt toward the powerless and vulnerable. […]