Sunday Reflection (October 27, 2024)
Sunday Reflection upon Psalm 34 In some ways, Psalm 34 describes what we think it should be: The righteous will be blessed, and God protects the righteous. The Psalm raises a profound question: if God offers such protection, why did Jesus, or any other righteous person, suffer at the hands of corrupt evildoers? The Psalm […]
Prayer for the Week (October 27, 2024-November 2, 2024)
Let us pray to God who hears us and all who appeal to him: Our living God, you are near to us in our joys and pains. Give us the eyes of faith, love, and courage to carry out your mission. Help us understand the needs of those who cry out to you in misery […]
Prayer for the Week (October 20, 2024-October 26, 2024)
Let us pray to the Lord who bends close to hear our prayer: Lord our God, you guard us under the shadow of your wings and search into the depths of our hearts. Remove the blindness that prevents us from knowing you and relieve the fear that hides us from your sight. We ask this […]