Sunday Reflection (August 7, 2022)
As we await the Lord’s return, we can become so enmeshed in the ways of society that we betray the way of Christ; thus, Jesus tells us to examine what we truly value. If you do not know what you value, consider where and how you spend your money, your time, and your talents (Luke […]
Prayer for the Week (August 7, 2022-August 13, 2022)
Let us pray in all simplicity to our heavenly Father: God our Father, your Son taught us through the Holy Spirit to speak to you with all trust. Do not allow us to forget to pray for the needs of others and that we pray for the thing that really matters: Your will and your kingdom. We ask this […]
Devotion July 27, 2022
Sunday Reflection (July 31, 2022)
The ancient Israelite prophets condemned the rich and powerful for hoarding and not sharing which is what Jesus does when he tells the parable of the rich man who built bigger barns to store his “goodies.” In building the extra barns for his own pleasure, he neglected those whom he could have helped in their […]