Sunday Reflection (January 7, 2024)
Why have we in Christ’s Church been chosen? Is it for arrogance? Eternal Fire Insurance? Or does it have nothing to do with arrogance or figuring out the ultimate judgment? “We are chosen “to be holy and blameless in love (Ephesians 1:4). Christian holiness and blamelessness are bound up with love and not self-righteousness and […]
Prayer for the Week (January 7, 2023-January 13, 2024)
Let us pray being grateful for the glory revealed in Jesus Christ: Father of light, you reveal to the faithful the resplendent beauty of the Word made flesh in Jesus Christ. Your light is strong, your love is near; draw us beyond the limits which the world imposes to the life where your Spirit makes […]
Sunday Reflection (December 31, 2023)
In the fullness of time, we Gentiles have been adopted as God’s own in Christ’s Church, yet our adoption as God’s own does not mean we are better or more special than Jews (Galatians 4:4-7). Rather, we have been adopted as God’s children so that, alongside Israel, we display God’s love and kindness to the […]