Prayer for the Week (March 22-March 28)
Let us pray to God who has revealed the divine kingdom in Christ: God, in Christ, you declared what is blessed and proclaimed that joy is found in your kingdom. Your kingdom honors what the word despises: Weakness, poverty, mourning, mercy, pity, meekness, purity, peace. May Christ’s Church and our lives reveal your kingdom. Amen. […]
Sunday Reflection (March 22, 2020)
Have fear and suspicion ever caused you to mistreat someone? In our Gospel Reading, fear and suspicion cause the religious leaders and even the disciple to mistreat a blind man. They wondered what sins he or his parents had committed to bring about his blindness. When he is healed and receives sight, the religious leaders […]
Prayer for the Week (March 15-March 21)
Let us pray to God our Father that Jesus be the source of our life: Creative and forgiving Father you let people experience your mercy when they encounter your Son, Jesus Christ. Attune us to his voice speaking your Word of forgiveness and love. Dispose us to follow his example as the Holy Spirit forms […]
Sunday Reflection (March 15, 2020)
In a spirited debate with a Samaritan woman, Jesus tells us that the place to worship is not as important as worshipping in “spirit and truth” (John 4:3-30; 39-42). We can worship God anywhere, even on White Top Mountain sitting high above the valley below looking into North Carolina, and as you may guess I […]
Prayer for the Week (March 8-March 14)
Let us pray that God move our hearts and wills to follow Christ: Loving God, we thank you for all who walk by faith. There is always spiritual light for those who wish to see. As we pause and revere you, stabilize our faith and give us strength. Amen. (B. D. Prewer)
Sunday Reflection (March 8, 2020)
To be “born from above” emphasizes a spiritual renewal beyond ourselves from God through the Holy Spirit, and when we are born from above it is may be experienced as being born anew or again (John 3:1-8). We are constantly born anew from above. Do not limit it to a one-time experience. When we are […]