Prayer for the Week (November 8-November 14)
Let us pray that our life not turn our faith into a lie: Lord God, through the Holy Spirit, you keep speaking your Word to us revealed in Jesus Christ. May we listen to that Word and may that Word change our mentality and our ways for all to see and to follow. May it be […]
Sunday Reflection (November 8, 2020)
Paul urges us to live a life worthy of God (1 Thessalonians 2:1-13). It is a huge responsibility to live an authentic Christian life of integrity in which our Gospel proclamation matches how we live among others. I wish I could tell you that I am flawless in this regard, but that would not be true. […]
Prayer for the Week (November 1-November 7)
Let us pray for the gift of humility: Thank you, great God, for the privilege of serving you. Keep us from putting ourselves first. Make us humble and considerate, so that, like your Son, we can be of service to others. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (LC of Australia)