UMW News – May 2016

We finally had our Pancake Supper and it was a success.  Heartfelt ‘THANKS’  goes out to each of you who supported our event.  We truly appreciate you.  Words could never fully express the gratitude I have for all the “girls” and “guys” who helped make it happen.  There would be no UMW without each and every one of you.  Our next meeting will be MAY 10th at 10:00 a.m.  Norma has the program and we’ll go to the Dutch Oven in Hillsville for lunch.  Please come and join us.

– Peggy Chappell

Pancake Supper – April 26th

Everyone Welcome

Invite your friends and neighbors for this all-you-can-eat Pancake Supper.   No charge for the meal; but donations will be accepted.
Sponsored by the UMW – Replaces the cancelled Shrove Tuesday Meal in February.

Pancake supper at 03:30 PM – 05:00 PM.

UMW News-April 2016

umwOn March 19th nine of our members attended the Spring Mini-Retreat at Dublin UMC.  It was a great meeting with good music, an inspirational speaker, good fellowship and good food.  Our next meeting will be April 12th at 10:00 am in the UMW Room.  Ruth has the program and we’ll go to RJ’s for lunch.  Come be with us.
There is still time to make plans for Lake Junaluska.  We will leave April 21st and return on the 23rd.  Our Annual Pancake Supper will be April 26th from 5-7 pm.  Hope you will come and enjoy all-you-can-eat pancakes.

  Peggy Chappell        

UMW News- March 2016

dreamstimefree_51495A lot has happened since our last note in The Vine. The support you gave us with our Angel Tree Project is greatly appreciated. Also many thanks to those who helped with, and those who joined us, for our ‘New Members Meal’. We regret that the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper had to be cancelled due to weather; but we will be re-scheduling a special event sometime in the Spring. Thanks to all who had planned to come and we’re sorry for any inconvenience we might have caused.
We have three District or Conference events coming up: The first, Sisters in Service, is set for March 12-13 at River Plantation Convention Center in Sevierville, TN. The next will be March 19th at Dublin UMC. This is our District Spring Mini-Retreat. The third event is Spiritual Enrichment Experience at Lake Junaluska, NC April 22-23 or April 23-24. Any women are welcome to attend any or all of these meetings even if you are not a member of the UMW. Our next unit meeting will be March 8th at 10:00 am. Come be with us.

Peggy Chappell

Special Projects list & Special Offerings List



  • Save Campbell’s labels for the Red Bird Mission
  • Note card sales
  • Item donation to Camp Dickenson for summer camp
  • Camp Dickenson campership


  • Call To Prayer and Self-Denial
  • World Day of Prayer
  • World Thank Offering
  • Holston Conference Mission projects


Wytheville District 2016 Calendar of Events