$1,034 Raised – WOW!

The Missions Committee would like to thank you ALL for your generous support of Samaritan’s Purse ‘OPERATION HEAL OUR PATRIOTS’. And WE (all of us who ate) want to thank LARRY GRABMAN & his ‘cooking crew’ (Jim Marshall, Richard Farmer, Edwin Tompkins, Jerry Cox) for the delicious chicken & homemade ice cream; and everyone else on the Missions, UMW and Programs Committees for the salads and cookies! There was only 12-15 pieces of chicken left (125+ were cooked) and a tub of macaroni salad—which was brought to Hope House for those in the shelter to enjoy. Again, THANK YOU EVERYONE!

Mountain Top Community School


FUMC-Galax is happy to announce they will be opening their doors (or rather, classroom) to the Mountain Top Community School, a private Christian school developed by Joy Ranch. The students (15-20) will meet at FUMC on Monday & Fridays from 9:00am-12:00 and Thursdays 6:30-8:30pm beginning September 21st.

  • MULTIGRADE – An idea so old, it seems new ‘For nearly 150 years the country school was the backbone of American education. As late as 1913 one-half of children were enrolled in the country’s 212,000 one-room schools.’ [oneroomschool.edublogs.org]  Loving to Learn
  •  MENTORING – A plan so sensible, it sounds crazy ‘ Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.’ Benjamin Franklin Learning for Life
  • MASTERYA vision so clear, it is radical ‘Students with mastery orientation seek to improve their competence. Those with performance orientations seek to prove their competence’ [teachingprofessor.com] Where school is FUN!

For more information on the Mountain Top Community School, please visit their website:

Thank You: Doris Ward

Who has generously donated new chimes in memory of her husband, D.E., & Eleanor Nuckolls, to our church which were installed the end of July. Once again at noon and 5:00 Galax City will be blessed with the beautiful sound of the chimes from First United Methodist Church!

Children’s Ministry Upcoming Plans

As we near the end of summer it’s time to look forward to continuing our children’s ministry.

Plans for the near future include:  once a month meeting on Saturday mornings with craft, snacks, devotions and practice for future activities.

We hope to be able to use the children as a part of our Christmas celebration.  We are hoping to have a song ready on the hand bells for our children.  We need 8 little bells (which we already have) and 16 little hands.  If you know of a child that would like to participate, please see Ruth Sizemore of Dianne Marshall.

Continue to pray of us and remember that we welcome any help and suggestions.

Preventative Health Screening


Leadership and Service Needed

The Committee on Lay Leadership (Nominating) is now preparing for our Charge Conference and need your help in getting positions filled. The committee is asking you to prayerfully consider nominating those whom you feel would be best suited for a particular position or if you would consider a position in the church. Please complete the form below and return to the church office no later than Sunday, August 30th, 2015.
There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men. {1 Corinthians 12:4-6}



Phone Number__________________________________________________________________________

I AM INTERESTED IN SERVICE ON THE FOLLOWING COMMITTEE:__________________________________________________________________________


I RECOMMEND_________________________________________________________________________

To be considered for the position/office/committee:



G FORCE = God’s Love In Action (VBS 2015)

Thanks to all who helped make V.B.S. possible. It was wonderful fun and well attended – and it could not have happened without your help.

Ruth Sizemore, Children’s Comm. Chair