Sunday Reflection (February 16, 2020)

Jesus says that using words to put someone down or insult them puts the person speaking the insulting words in danger of judgment from God (Matthew 5:21-22). Although there are legitimate reasons to get angry, there is no legitimate reason to get mean and ugly when we are angry. Jesus is fairly serious about deliberately insulting another person or a group of people.

Targeting a person or a group of people with words designed to denigrate has no place in the Christian faith. We must speak up lest we be caught up in such targeting of others and we may find ourselves to be the targets. Jesus likens name-calling meant to denigrate to murder. When someone is put down and insulted, it is an attempt to destroy that person
and murder their personhood. May we not forget that each person is created in the Image of God. May we not forget that all groups and tribes of people are in the image of God.

Prayer for the Week (Feb. 16-Feb. 22)

Let us pray for obedience to God: Thank you, Jesus our Savior, for keeping God’s law perfectly for us. Teach us through your Spirit to follow you, and fulfill the law by a life of love. Amen.


Sunday Reflection (February 9, 2020)

To be salt and light is who we are by God’s grace, and that grace flows from us to others. Although we may have to grit our teeth sharing grace, I hope we do good
as a response God’s grace bestowed upon us . Like salt, we may be invisible to the world at large but collectively we have a powerful influence that glorifies not ourselves, but our heavenly Father.

We, the followers of Christ, have become beacons of light and hope in the midst of a world full of strife and hatred. We do not become beacons of light by tooting own horns. Rather, by our quiet humble presence we have become lights who shine God’s love and compassion in the darkness around us (Matthew 5:13-16).

Prayer for the Week (Feb. 9-Feb. 15)

Let us pray that we be light to those around us: Faithful God, you have called us to be a light shining in the world. May we reflect the light of Christ, so that people see your love and goodness in our words and actions. We ask this through your Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.


Prayer for the Week (Feb. 2-Feb. 8)

Let us pray to God who has revealed the divine kingdom in Christ: God, in Christ, you declared what is blessed and proclaimed that our joy is to be found in your kingdom. Your kingdom honors what the word despises: Weakness, poverty, mourning, mercy, pity, meekness, purity, peace. May Christ’s Church and our lives reveal your kingdom. Amen.

(Lightening from the East)

Sunday Reflection (February 2, 2020)

To do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God are reflections of our commitment to God and others that goes beyond the basic legal requirements (Micah 6:-8). The motivating factor is not fear, coercion, or manipulation, but love. Many in the days of Micah attempted to please God at a superficial level. Much like when we ask God, “what can I do” hoping that the answer is “nothing” or “not much.” Nevertheless, what basic everyday things are within your reach in your response to God when it comes to doing justice, loving-kindness, and walking humbly with God?

Sunday Reflection (January 26, 2020)

Simon Peter, Andrew, James and John were confronted by that light that shined in Galilee when Jesus said: “Follow me” (Matthew 4:18-22). It is “follow me” in the sense of learning a way of life. It is learning a way of life in response to that light that shines in the darkness of human sin, hatred, malice, and violence. Through the Holy Spirit, may that light shine in the midst of darkness. I close with these words of St. Bede: May that morning star which never sets, Christ our light, find us aflame with love until the world is enlightened with love.

Prayer for the Week (Jan. 26-Feb. 1)

Let us pray for Christ’s light to shine upon us: God, our heavenly Father, we thank you for sending Jesus as the light for the world. Shine into our darkness, so that we see God’s love, and follow in the way you show us. Amen.


Prayer for the Week (Jan. 19-Jan. 25)

Let us pray that we love God in all things and above all things: Merciful God, you have prepared for those who love you such good things that surpass our understanding. Pour into our hearts such love towards you that loving you above all else, we obtain your promises which exceed all that we can desire; through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Sunday Reflection (January 19, 2020)

Jesus extends an invitation to you and me with the word, “come and see”(John 1:29-42). May we “go and see.” May we keep learning about the message of love and grace that makes a difference in our lives, and in the life of the world around us.
Through the Holy Spirit, we begin to understand what it is that Jesus reveals to us about God. Through the drawing of the Holy Spirit, we are invited to abide in Christ and become “Christ-like.”