Sunday Reflection (May 31, 2020)

The Holy Spirit has joined us together to bear witness to God’s love in the world as it was revealed in Jesus Christ. We cannot do this alone: We need each other in the body of Christ, and each one of you has a place in this mission of Christ’s Church (1 Corinthians 12:4-7, 12-14). I challenge you not to leave the work of Christ’s Church to its ministers or other Church members. I challenge you to explore and activate the talents God has given you to share in Christ’s Church.

If you are not attending or have a connection with a local congregation of Christ’s Church, I encourage you to do so. Each congregation has a place in the one, universal Church, and each of you has a place in a local congregation of Christ’s Church. Each congregation is equally important and equally needed in Christ’s Church. Each individual is equally important and equally needed in Christ’s Church.

Daily Devotional, May 27


Daily Devotional, May 26


Prayer for the Week (May 24-May 30)

Let us pray that the Spirit of the risen Lord guides us: God our Father, our risen Lord Jesus Christ lives now in your presence. When we keep looking for him in the clouds, help us turn to the task he has given us to do here on earth. Help us learn to recognize the face of Christ in our brothers and sisters. Remind us that in your own good time you will complete the work of Jesus in us and take us to your joy and glory.

(Claretian Communications) 

Sunday Reflection (May 24, 2020)

I do not deny the Lord’s Second Coming, but I do not pretend to know details only known to God the Father (Acts 1:1-11). The early disciples had limited restoration to a particular people, Israel. Jesus points out that his message of hope was not only for Israel but for the world and they were to be witnesses to it. This witness continues through Christ’s Church and by our proclamation each Sunday we bear witness to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

We also bear witness to our proclamation by how we treat others. This does not mean we are perfect, but it does mean that our lives as Christians will be marked by compassion, concern, and service. Until Christ comes again, we are called to bear witness to God’s love revealed in Christ Jesus. May we do our part in making the world a better place today!

Daily Devotional, May 25


May 24 Sermon


Daily Devotional, May 20

Daily Devotional, May 19

Prayer for the Week (May 17-May 23)

Let us pray in hope that the Holy Spirit be poured out upon us: Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son has promised not to leave us as orphans. Give us the Holy Spirit of Truth to be with us and to live among us. May the Holy Spirit kindle in us the love of Jesus, so that we make the Good News of his love visible and tangible to all. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

(Claretian Communications Foundation, Inc)