Sunday Reflection (July 12, 2020)

Esau sold out his birthright to his younger twin brother Jacob for a pot of soup (Genesis 25:19-34). Have you ever sold out your faith in God? Is it a sell-out when you have the opportunity to do good yet for whatever reasons you did not?  On a historic scale think of all the Christians in Nazi Germany who sold out their Jewish, Gypsy, gay, mentally incapacitated, and communist neighbor. Think of all the God-fearing, Bible-believing Americans right here in Virginia who sold-out their African American brothers and sisters through slavery and then segregation and continual racism. Think of all the Christians in this country who have seen a child in need and despair, yet for whatever reason turned the other way. Think of the times you have had the opportunity to do good, yet for whatever reason, you did not.  “Selling out” our faith is a serious dilemma in which we find ourselves.

In spite of our selling out, God still comes to us in Christ Jesus and this highlighted with these words of institution recited at the celebration of the Lord’s Supper: “On the night upon which he was betrayed, he took bread, blessed it, and gave it to his disciples.”  This included Judas by the way.  God did not give up on Esau or his disciples. God has not given up on you! The Holy Spirit brings us an awareness of our failures and leads us in the way of Christ.  God never sells us out and if you have struggles in doing good know that God is still working with you to live up to your birthright as an adopted daughter and son of God.

Daily Devotion July 9


Daily Devotion, July 8


Daily Devotion July 7


July 5 Sermon


Sunday Reflection (July 5, 2020)

The tenor of God’s Word reveals God’s concern for the poor, the weak, and the vulnerable.  Is that our concern also?  Do our concerns align with God’s?  Christ himself offers us that well-known invitation: “Come unto Me” in the Gospel of Matthew (11:28-30).  Jesus gives us the hope that God has not given up on us.  Indeed, God will strengthen us and give us the courage to learn to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.  This is an ongoing process in which we, together, learn to be disciples of Jesus Christ as we follow the lead of the Holy Spirit, together.

If you have never made a commitment to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, I would be delighted to speak with you about it.  If already a disciple of Christ may we continue to learn to be disciples together in the way of Christ. May we grow in the wisdom and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Prayer for the Week (July 5-July 11)

Let us pray that we grow in union with the One who fulfills our heart’s desire:  Almighty God, you have made us for yourself and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in you.  Lead us by your Spirit so that we live to your glory.  We make this prayer through Christ our Lord.  Amen.


Daily Devotion, July 2


Daily Devotion, July 1


Daily Devotion, June 30