Prayer for the Week (August 16-August 22)

Let us pray to the Father of all that our heart, like his own, be open to all people:  Father of all, long ago you chose the people of Israel to make your name known to all the nations.  Your Son Jesus Christ made it clear that forgiveness and fullness of life are the share of all who believe in him.  Make your Church a place of encounter for all those who search for you.  We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

(Claretian Publications)

Daily Devotion August 17


Daily Devotion August 13


Daily Devotion August 12


Daily Devotion August 11


Prayer for the Week (August 9-August 15)

Let us pray that through us others find the way to life in Christ: Father, we come, reborn in the Spirit, to celebrate our sonship and daughtership in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Touch our hearts and help them grow toward the life you have promised. Touch our lives and make them signs of your love for all. Grant this through Christ our Lord who eternally dwells with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and forevermore. Amen.

(Sunday Missal alt.)

Sunday Reflection (August 9, 2020)

Daily Devotion August 10


Daily Devotion August 6


Daily Devotion August 5