Prayer for the Week (April 4-April 10, 2021)

Let us give thanks to the Father for he has brought us life and joy through Jesus, his risen Son. God of life and of love, we rejoice today that Jesus is risen and that you continue in us the work of resurrection that lifts us above our faults and mediocrity to joy and unselfish love as we serve you in one another. Through the Holy Spirit lead us to bring hope and justice to all around us until you raise us up to share in your happiness without end. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our risen Lord.
(Claretian Publications)

Daily Devotion, April 1, 2021

Daily Devotion, March 31, 2021

Daily Devotion, March 30, 2021

Sunday Reflection (March 28, 2021)

Ponder the glorious entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem and his inglorious exit.
May we be faithful to God and others as God is always faithful to us.
When we do the right, kind, loving compassionate deed God will not shame us.

Prayer for the Week (March 28-April 3, 2021)

Let us pray that we follow Jesus on his road of service: God our Father, in Jesus your Son, you have shown us that the road that leads to victory is the way of loving service and willingness to pay the price of sacrifice for faithful, unswerving love. Give us the mentality and attitude of Jesus, so that we learn to serve with him. May we thus become victorious with him who eternally dwells with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and forever.  Amen.
(Claretian Publications)

Daily Devotion, March 23, 2021

Sunday Reflection (March 21, 2021)

Christ suffered because he was obedient in choosing to love God and others. Even on the way to crucifixion, Jesus did not become hardhearted and bitter. In all his trials Jesus reverently submitted to God and God’s way of mercy, forgiveness, and compassion, but we humans have a tendency to reject and act violently against mercy and forgiveness. Jesus “learned” obedience (Hebrews 5:7-9).

If Jesus learned obedience, how much more should we? Through the Holy Spirit and by the example of Jesus Christ, God transforms us unto the image of God in Jesus Christ. In this transformation, we learn to obey God to the degree that we do it naturally and instinctively (Jeremiah 31:31-34). We are in the process of “learning” obedience as Jesus learned in the hope that the longer we are Christians, the more Christ-like we will become.

Prayer for the Week (March 21-March 28, 2021)

Let us pray for the courage to embrace the world in the name of Christ: Father in heaven, the love of your Son led him to accept the suffering of the cross so that humankind might embrace new life.
Change our selfishness into self-giving and lead us to embrace the world you have given us so that we transform the darkness of its pain into the life and joy of Easter. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
(Sunday Missal)

Daily Devotion, March 17, 2021