Daily Devotion September 7, 2021

Prayer for the Week (September 5-September 11, 2021)

Let us pray that God’s Spirit opens us to all that is good:
God our Father, you wait for us to be open to you, to people, and to all that is true, beautiful and good.
May your Spirit open our ears to the liberating Word of your Son.
Open our hearts and hands to everyone who needs us.
Open our lips so that we proclaim everywhere the marvels you do for us.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

(Claretian Publications, alt.)

Sunday Reflection (September 5, 2021)

We all make judgments about others based upon their appearance: The way they dress, the way they speak, where they live, the job they have or do not have, what country they are from, and what their bumper stickers say, or even who they voted for; yet, if we give or deny preferential treatment to someone upon appearance or social standing only, we err. James calls it more than a sin, he calls it “working a sin” (James 2:1-13).

We all have been guilty of discrimination based upon the appearance and the color of their skin, but we should never regard it as trivial! Furthermore, if we discriminate against the poor
and most vulnerable in society, we show ourselves not to be on the side of God
(Proverbs 22:22-23).

Prayer for the Week (August 1-August 7, 2021)

God, you have given us your Son Jesus Christ as the bread and drink of life. Give him to us today as our daily bread, so that with him we pass
from death to life. May his life flow within us and among us, so that we may become Christ’s body in the world. We ask this through Christ our
Lord who eternally dwells within you and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and forevermore. Amen.

(Claretian Publications, alt.)

Sunday Reflection (August 1, 2021)

The living bread that has come down to us from heaven is Jesus Christ,
and in the Lord’s Supper, through the Holy Spirit, we take Christ within us
and among us (John 6:51-58). The body and blood of Jesus Christ
becomes a part of us in the celebration of the Lord’s Supper, and we
become for the world, the body of Christ redeemed by his blood.

We share the same bread; we drink from the same cup; we receive grace,
and the link of the fellowship established by the Lord’s Supper follows us
throughout the week and month. We share in the life of our Lord, and we
become one with God through Jesus Christ,
and one with one another through Jesus Christ.

Daily Devotion July 20, 2021

Sunday Reflection (July 18, 2021)

Because God “so loved the world,” Christ’s Church is everywhere.
Christ’s Church is Catholic, that is, Universal, and because the Church
is universal, no one Church or group of Churches can claim to be the only
true Church. Every Church is particular, yet part of something bigger
than itself. Together, we are being built together to bear witness to God’s
love as revealed in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:17-22).
Because of the leading of the Holy Spirit, the world learns that God 
dwells within us and among us who proclaim and enact the message of
God’s love and compassion. Christ’s Church is the place of God’s
presence. What can we do to make our witness to God’s love and
compassion more inviting to others? What can we do to enact love
and compassion for the whole world?

Prayer for the Week (July 18-July 24, 2021)

Let us pray:  God, throughout the hours of our days, remain at the center of our thoughts and actions: Father, through the Holy Spirit draw us to you, and hold us together as individuals and as a community of faith. Enable us to focus our hopes as we aim to do your will.   Be our source of loving support through Christ Jesus our Lord.

(Glen E. Rainsley, alt.) 

Daily Devotion July 15, 2021

Daily Devotion July 13, 2021