Sunday Reflection (January 23, 2022)

We do not have to be top-notch engineers or theologians to grasp the wisdom of God (Psalm 19). God’s wisdom revives us and causes us to rejoice. It teaches us to not transgress God and one another. It is a Word from God that speaks against us but also enlightens us beyond a natural revelation. The teaching leads us to examine ourselves. The psalm ends with a practice to keep us aware of God and close to God: “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable unto thee, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer (Psalm 19:14, King James Version).

Prayer for the Week (January 23, 2022-January 29, 2022)

Let us pray for unity and peace: All-powerful and ever-living God, direct your love within us and among us to bring unity and peace to the world. We ask this through Christ our Lord who eternally dwells with you and the Holy Spirit, One God for ever and ever.

                                                             (Sunday Missal)

Prayer for the Week (January 9, 2022-January 15, 2022)

Let us pray that with Jesus as beloved

    sons and daughters of God:
God our Father, with your whole people reborn
    in baptism we give you thanks.
 In Jesus, each of us has become
     your beloved son or daughter.
Fill us with the fire of the Holy Spirit
    who guided Jesus in life and death.
May the Holy Spirit set us free
    to serve you and one another
    with unselfish, grateful love.

                                                             (Claretian Publications)

Tuesday Devotion January 11, 2022

Christmas Eve Sermon December 24, 2021

Sunday Reflection (December 26, 2021)

Jesus Christ was formed within the womb of Mary and Jesus grew and developed
in the home of a pious Jewish carpenter and mother (Luke 2:29-40, 52). Because
Christ is formed within us and among us, we represent Christ to the world. As Christ
is more perfectly formed within us and among us, we are clothed in a new nature
(Colossians 3:10-17).

Prayer for the Week (December 26 2021-January 1, 2022)

Let us pray that the Lord Jesus grow
    within us and among us:
God our Father, we give you all thanks and praise
    that you chose for your Son a human family.
Through the example of Mary and Joseph,
    may we learn to make room for Jesus in our life,
    so that he grow within us and among us
    and make us more like him.
We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen.
                                                             (Claretian Publications)

Prayer for the Week (December 19-December 25, 2021)

Let us pray to God our Father
    so that we welcome his Son:
Our God and Father, we eagerly await
    the coming of your Son among us.
Prepare us to recognize and receive him
    when he comes.
May we recall that he came to us
    in poverty and humility.
Guide us through the Holy Spirit
    to discover Christ in the simplicity
    of everyday life and everyday people.
Accustom us to your Son and his ways
    so that he change our lives to conform to his,
    for he is our Lord and Savior.
                                                             (Claretian Publications)

Sunday Reflection (December 19, 2021)

By being perfectly obedient Jesus sanctifies not only himself
but also us (Hebrews 10:5-10). God’s grace embraces us.
No more sacrifice is needed yet think of the scapegoating
sacrifices we continue to make to cover our own sins and failures.
The scapegoating sacrifices we make so we do not have to extend grace
to the one scapegoated or to those scapegoated.

We may have trouble accepting God’s forgiveness of our sins,

or we may take it for granted. We may become so bogged down
with our own faults and failures that we have a tough time offering
our best gifts to God’s glory. Nevertheless, we joyfully celebrate
God’s grace and find ways to share God’s grace and love
 with others. Why was Christ Born? To make up for our unfaithfulness!
To show us God’s will! To encourage us to do God’s will!
To teach us to stop scapegoating others and to lead us to be merciful
as God has been with us.

Thursday Devotion December 16, 2021