Thursday Devotion February 10, 2022

Tuesday Devotion February 8, 2022

Sunday Reflection (February 6, 2022)

For almost 2,000 years, Christ’s Church continues a tradition through its proclamation: The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In the resurrection, we find a glimpse of what the future holds for human history. It is not gloom and doom, it is resurrection and life: Christ came to bring us life in the midst of our sin and failures, as individuals and as societies. Paul, and we, proclaim the tradition of the earliest Christians (1 Corinthians 15:1-11)

The resurrection tells us that the last word is God’s victory of love over hatred, kindness over malice, and life over death. This is indeed our proclamation! Only the future proves the truth of the resurrection, but in the meantime, we embrace the life and love that flows from God to us because Jesus rose from the dead.

Prayer for the Week (February 6, 2022-February 12, 2022)

Let us pray that we love God in our hearts and in our actions: Almighty God, you have called us to serve you, yet without your grace we are not able to please you.  Mercifully grant that your Holy Spirit, who leads us in the way of Christ, direct and rule our hearts in all things.  Amen.

                                                             (New Zealand Prayer Book)

Thursday Devotion February 3, 2022

Tuesday Devotion February 1, 2022

Sunday Reflection (January 30, 2022)

When we think of descriptions of Christians, we may think from whence they come, what language they speak, to which political party they affiliate. Yet, do any of these describe a Christian
as Paul describes a Christian? What are the attributes of a person who follows Christ? It is love and compassion (1 Corinthians 13).

When love and compassion do not arise from your heart, ask yourself why. Then, ask the Holy Spirit to help you to grow in love and compassion that come from God. The Holy Spirit enables us to live the Christian description of love and compassion in whatever we say and in whatever we do.

Prayer for the Week (January 30, 2022-February 5, 2022)

Let us pray that we grow in a genuine love of God and others:  Lord God, our Father, you keep loving us, even when we fail you and one another. You even sent your own Son so that we learn to love you and others. Through the Holy Spirit, fill our hearts with a constant, grateful love that overflows to others. We ask this in the name of Jesus our Lord.  Amen.
                                                             (Claretian Publications)

Thursday Devotion January 27, 2022

Tuesday Devotion January 25, 2022