Tuesday Devotion March 8, 2022

Sunday Reflection (March 6, 2022)

In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus is tempted to ostentatiously display divine power to gain more fans and personal advancement. Jesus was not into sensationalism and a mass popular appeal that glorifies the self, and personal advancement at the expense of others; rather, Jesus glorified God the Father by showing by his way of life what this God is like (Luke 4:1-13).

Make Lenten Season a time to carefully observe how you follow Christ, and where you need to repent as a follower of Jesus Christ. When we followers of Jesus become aware of our continual need to repent and make amends, we learn the joy of learning repentance: The present and future don’t have to be like the past. Life can be different when we take responsibility for actions and find ways to bring peace and healing to all our relationships as much as possible.


Prayer for the Week (March 6, 2022-March 12, 2022)

Let us pray to our living God that we turn our heart to God:  God, lead us through the Holy Spirit with your Son Jesus to the desert of questions and temptations so that you speak to our heart and bring us back to you in loving trust.  Help us to discard all that leads us astray and to look for you and the plans you have for us and for the world.  May your Spirit give us the mentality of Jesus, so that we seek your will in all we do.  Amen.                                                             (Claretian Publications)

Thursday Devotion March 3, 2022

Tuesday Devotion March 1, 2022

Sunday Reflection (February 27, 2022)

To me, an old, battered piece of furniture is just an old piece of battered furniture; however, to a craftsman who restores woodwork it has great “potential”
because he/she can restore it and make it beautiful and useful again.

Think of the Holy Spirit as the craftsman who renews God’s Image within us and among us. We are all in the process of becoming the person and Church that God intends
(2 Corinthians 3:17-18).  May we “behold” Jesus Christ and listen to the Holy Spirit and grow in an awareness of God’s love and our potential to embody that love
that overcomes hatred and malice. May we reflect the glory of God as Moses and as Christ’s.


Prayer for the Week (February 27, 2022-March 5, 2022)

Let us pray that we grow in the likeness of Christ:  God of life and glory, at the Mount of Transfiguration your Son was revealed in splendor before he suffered death upon the cross. Grant that we, beholding his majesty, be strengthened to follow him and be changed into his likeness from glory to glory; for he eternally dwells with you and the Holy Spirit, One God now and forever.  Amen.
                                                             (New Zealand Prayer Book)

Thursday Devotion February 24, 2022

Tuesday Devotion February 22, 2022

Sunday Reflection (February 20, 2022)

As a way of life, the Christian life brings peace and non-violence to strife and violence (Luke 6:27-38).. It is a way of life that seeks to break the cycle of violence. This is not easy, but God’s mercy is great toward us! How great is our mercy toward others?

I do admit that loving enemies and extending mercy cannot be commanded in the sense of telling someone what to do. If we do not love our enemies or extend mercy, we should ask ourselves why, and then ask the Holy Spirit to lead us to extend mercy and love even to our enemies, or perhaps better: Those who deem us enemies.