Sunday Reflection (April 17, 2022)
/in From the Pastor/by Diane PalumboChristians believe that there is more to life than a biological existence. Indeed, the pall of death that hangs over our biological existence is overcome by the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The resurrection gives us a glimpse of the ultimate future, and in particular, the resurrection of Jesus reveals that God’s love ultimately overcomes all. The resurrection of Jesus gives us the hope of our own resurrections, and a life beyond one of this biological existence in which we find ourselves. The hope of resurrection is more than a “fire insurance,” it concerns how we live today (1 Corinthians 15:34, 48-49).
The life and teachings of Jesus give us a glimpse of what resurrection life is like in that although Jesus had all power and authority, he did not oppress anyone. He refused to return evil for evil, hatred for hatred, or punch for punch. God’s love could not be defeated by human hatred. Paul encourages us to live a life of compassion and this encouragement is not based upon fear and judgment. Rather, it is based upon the ultimate triumph of God’s love as revealed in the resurrection of Jesus. May the way we live express the hope of resurrection.
Prayer for the Week (April 17, 2022-April 23, 2022)
/in From the Pastor/by Diane PalumboLet us pray to our God of mercy who fills our lives with love and joy: God, we no longer look for Jesus among the dead, for he is alive and has become the Lord of life. From the waters of death, you raise us with him and renew your gift of life within us. Increase in our minds and hearts the risen life we share with Christ. May we grow as your people toward the fullness of eternal life with you, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
(Book of Common Worship)
Prayer for the Week (April 10, 2022-April 16, 2022)
/in From the Pastor/by Diane PalumboLet us pray that we follow Jesus on his road of service: God our Father, in Jesus your Son, you have shown us that the road that leads to victory is the way of loving service and willingness to pay the price of sacrifice for faithful, unswerving love. Give us the mentality and attitude of Jesus, so that we learn to serve with him. May we thus become victorious with him who eternally dwells with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and forever. Amen.
(Claretian Publications)
Sunday Reflection (April 3, 2022)
/in From the Pastor/by Diane PalumboIt is easy to rejoice in the resurrection, and neglect that part about “sharing in the sufferings of Christ,” which raises an interesting question: How do we share in the sufferings of Christ? We share in the sufferings of Christ when we extend mercy to those caught in sin. When we extend mercy to our enemies. When we speak up for the poor and dispossessed. When we do something for the poor and dispossessed. When we help someone wrongly convicted. When we refuse to cheat and lie to get ahead. When we refuse to lash out. When we do not operate from malicious motives.
Paul wanted to know Christ, and not just the resurrected Jesus, he also wanted to know the Jesus Christ who suffered. How deeply do you and I want to know Christ?
Prayer for the Week (April 3, 2022-April 9, 2022)
/in From the Pastor/by Diane PalumboLet us ask our Father that we imitate his mercy: God of life, Jesus, your Son reveals to us that love is stronger than death, and you wish the sinner to live and to become new.
May we no longer live in the past of sin but make us free for life and love. Give us hearts as merciful to one another as you have been lenient and loving to us. Amen
(Claretian Publications)
Sunday Reflection (March 27, 2022)
/in From the Pastor/by Diane PalumboDespite our hostility toward God and one another, God has taken the initiative,
through Jesus Christ, to reconcile us and the world to God (2 Corinthians 5:17-18). This is indeed Good News! From God’s perspective, reconciliation has already been accomplished, but from our perspective, it is a different story. We still experience the brokenness of relationships and the brokenness of this world, yet into this brokenness, we have been chosen to represent Christ to the Word as Ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:18-21).
Where there is pain and brokenness, we make amends and bring healing because we are involved in the ministry of reconciliation. This process of reconciliation is difficult and certainly takes time, yet as ambassadors of God, we bring peace, reconciliation, love, and forgiveness to the human experience. We have, indeed, been entrusted with something special: The ministry of reconciliation!
- Worship Service on January 12, 2025 10:30 am
- UMW Monthly Meeting on January 14, 2025 10:30 am
- Worship Service on January 19, 2025 10:30 am
- Worship Service on January 26, 2025 10:30 am
- Worship Service on February 2, 2025 10:30 am
Galax First United
Methodist Church
306 West Center Street
Galax, VA 24333
(Get Directions)
Phone: 276-236-9937
Sunday Services:
10:30 am