Prayer for the Week (September 4, 2022-September 10, 2022)
In the book of Hebrews, Christ became the final sacrifice to end all sacrifices, and I add to end all forms of scapegoating that sacrifice others to appease our anger. Hebrews tells us that “without faith, it is impossible to please God,” and our specific Scripture Reading relates two more ways to please God: Giving thanks and sharing with others (Hebrews 13:15-16).
Let us pray to God who forgives all who call upon him: Lord God of power and might, fill our minds with insight into love so that every thought grow in wisdom and all our efforts be filled with your peace. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
(Sunday Missal, alt.)
(Claretian Publications)
(Sunday Missal)
Our faith is grounded in the faithfulness of the pioneer and perfecter of our faith:
Jesus Christ. The Good News is that the one who was faithful to God and others offers us grace and forgiveness. Jesus stands with us and for us. Furthermore, as we follow Jesus, we are not running this race alone: Not only do we have the saints and the apostles surrounding us, and the saints we have personally known who have gone on before us, we have each other. May we run this race of faith with patience knowing that we are surrounded by scores of saints and we have the Holy Spirit leading us all in the way of Christ.
Galax First United
Methodist Church
306 West Center Street
Galax, VA 24333
(Get Directions)
Phone: 276-236-9937
Sunday Services:
10:30 am