Devotion September 20, 2022

Sunday Reflection (September 18, 2022)

The early Christians such as those addressed in 1 Timothy were a minority religion,
and as in any society a minority religion could easily become a scapegoat and
suffer persecution. The early Christians did not want to send the wrong message
|to the world around them. This does not mean they forsook the faith, rather they
witnessed to outsiders by living a peaceful quiet life in godliness and dignity.
They were not a hotbed of political activism that could easily lend itself to violence,
rather they were a soothing healing influence upon society (1 Timothy 2:1-8).

This certainly speaks to us even today, no matter the circumstance or who is in office,
we are urged to pray, not only for certain persons or those of our political persuasion,
or only a certain class of people; we are urged to pray in a universal sense for all people
and even our governmental leaders. This does not mean we always agree with
what our leaders do or say, but that we pray in the hope of healing and restoration.
Through godliness and dignity, we represent Christ to the best of our abilities.

Prayer for the Week (September 18, 2022-September 24, 2022)

Let us pray to the Lord that we be fair and generous to all:  Just and merciful God,
may we neither adore money and possessions nor sacrifice the poor to them.
May our hearts be gentle and compassionate so that we not neglect the dispossessed
and those trampled upon.  May we share with them in your name,
Christ Jesus our Lord.  Amen.

   (Claretian Publications)


Devotion September 14, 2022

Devotion September 13, 2022

Devotion September 6, 2022

Devotion September 7, 2022

Sunday Reflection (September 11, 2022)

Jesus Christ gives us hope that life can be different and grace filled. Erring people can indeed have a relationship with a holy God (Luke 15:1-10). Jesus and Moses showed mercy to erring people, and this is perhaps where we have our problems with Jesus and Moses: We want mercy for ourselves but justice and judgment for others, especially those erring people whose sins are more obvious and greater than ours (at least in our estimation).

Prayer for the Week (September 11, 2022-September 17, 2022)

Let us pray to our faithful Father who always loves us and waits for us: God, our patient Father, it is a joy for you to forgive the repentant sinner. You even allowed your Son to lay down his life to bring us forgiveness and life.  Dispose those whom we have offended to forgive us too. May we be ready to forgive wholeheartedly and without regrets those who have hurt us. May we be a people who forgive and receive forgiveness with the goodness you have shown us in Jesus Christ our Lord, who dwells with you and the Holy Spirit, One God now and forever more.  Amen.

   (Claretian Publications)


Sunday Reflection (September 4, 2022)

In the Gospel of Luke (14:25-33), Jesus warns us about possessions in relation to being a disciple (learner) of his. Do possessions control us? Or do we use possessions for the doing of good? Does your following of Christ cause you to look at possessions differently? Following Christ is blessed, but it is not necessarily easy.