Devotion August 2, 2022

Sunday Reflection (July 31, 2022)

The ancient Israelite prophets condemned the rich and powerful for hoarding and not sharing which is what Jesus does when he tells the parable of the rich man who built bigger barns to store his “goodies.” In building the extra barns for his own pleasure, he neglected those whom he could have helped in their poverty. He thought he was happy until he had to answer to God for what he did with his wealth (Luke 12:13-21).

Everything we possess from money to talents to time is on loan from God, and one day we shall give an account. So, in personal and social ways what do we do with what we ourselves possess? Not what someone else does with what he/she possesses, or they possess, but what do you personally and we socially do with what we possess? What brings us true happiness? Maybe it begins with being rich toward God which begins with making sure that those who do not have, get a fair share and not go hungry or impoverished when others are so well off.

Prayer for the Week (July 31, 2022-August 6, 2022)

Let us pray that we use this earth’s goods wisely in the service of God and people: Father, may greed not blind us to pile up goods and neglect things that really matter. May we generously share what we have with the hungry and the poor, so that we become rich in your sight. We ask this through Christ our Lord, who was born in poverty, yet exalted most high.  Amen.

   (Claretian Publications)


Devotion July 26, 2022

Sunday Reflection (July 24, 2022)

As we search for answers to the problems of the world and our community that lead to peace, harmony, and establishing a more just, fairer, and merciful society, keep asking God to give us the guidance of the Holy Spirit (Luke 11:5-13). Bear this in mind: Prayer is not about bending God’s will to our will, rather prayer is asking that we learn to do God’s will with the help of the Holy Spirit.

When we follow the lead of the Holy Spirit our perspectives and priorities become more in tune with God’s. By the way, that does not mean we will always agree on political issues, but it does mean we will act without malice and act with kindness and compassion. The rest of our Christian lives is about integrating our perspectives and priorities with God’s perspective and priorities, and if we err, may we err on the side of kindness and compassion. So, do pray “God, give me the Holy Spirit.” The Holy Spirit leads us to live out God’s will, not through force of arms, but through love and good works, arising from kindness and compassion.

Prayer for the Week (July 24, 2022-July 30, 2022)

Let us pray for trust in the promises of God: Lord God, may we serve you faithfully in the present and to be ready to follow you in the future. Take us by the hand and guide us through all obstacles to the land of your promise.  Amen.
   (Claretian Publications)


Devotion July 20, 2022

Devotion July 19, 2022

Sunday Reflection (July 17, 2022)

In the bond of love God has reconciled us to God and one another. We have become part of something far larger than ourselves (Colossians 1:20-28). This is more than a personal reconciliation but the reconciliation of all things “on earth and in heaven.” Yet, we know from our perspective that reconciliation is incomplete, but we hope for the time when it is complete. Until then we work at being reconciled with others as much as we are able, and as you know, that is not always easy.