When the Israelites Naomi returns to her birthplace, her Moabite daughter-in-law returns with her. Despite the hardships, Ruth’s unwavering loyalty and commitment to Naomi is a powerful testament to her faith and trust in God’s plan, a shining example for us all to follow. Eventually, the widow Ruth finds a home and husband in Naomi’s hometown of Bethlehem in Judea. Yes, that is Bethlehem, where Jesus was born. God so blessed Ruth that she became a great-grandmother of one of the greatest kings of ancient Judah, King David, and one of the ancestors of Jesus Christ.
Ruth’s journey was challenging, but her unwavering faith in God and loving commitment to her mother-in-law led her to abundant blessings. In the context of today’s biblical narrative, U2’s “I Will Follow” can be seen as a reflection of Ruth’s loyalty to Naomi, a love that transcends borders and hardships. Perhaps “I Will Follow” is about following his mother’s unconditional love, much like Ruth’s loyalty to Naomi. Like Ruth, may we cling to our Lord Jesus Christ. May we follow the ways of the Lord: faithfulness, love, compassion, and kindness.