Devotion March 8, 2023

Devotion March 7, 2023

Sunday Reflection (March 5, 2023)

Like Father Abraham, we are all on an unknown journey that begins with faith and trust in God (Genesis 12:1-4) (Romans 4:1-3; 13-18). This faith of Abraham is a model for all who have faith in God, and the three Great Monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) trace their faith to the faith of Abraham in the one God.
We do not have complete certainty about the details of our journeys, but we have faith that God is with us, and that through the Holy Spirit, God is creating us anew unto the image of Christ wherever we are on our spiritual journey in life.  May we look to the future and respond accordingly: With faith and trust in God!

Prayer for the Week (March 5, 2023-March 11, 2023)

Let us pray that God move our hearts and wills to follow Christ: Loving God, we thank you for all who walk by faith. There is always spiritual light for those who wish to see.  As we pause and revere you, stabilize our faith and give us strength.  Amen.

                                                            B.D. Prewer



Devotion March 1, 2023

Devotion February 28, 2023

Sunday Reflection (February 26, 2023)

Having sinned, Adam and Eve damaged their relationship with God; and, indeed with all of creation (Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7).  Likewise, when we sin, we damage our relationship with God and others, and all creation through unwarranted environmental destruction.  We live in a world filled with hatred and malice, and we have all played a part in that.
Jesus exercised true freedom by enfleshing God’s love and faithfulness in his words and deeds.  Jesus Christ, the perfect one, extends forgiveness, grace, and kindness to us (Romans 5:18-19).  In response to God’s extension of forgiveness, grace, and kindness to us, may we share forgiveness, grace, and kindness to others. Use this Lenten Season as a time of prayer, reflection, and examination to find the areas of your life where you need to grow in love and faithfulness to God and others.

Devotion February 22, 2023

Devotion February 21, 2023

Sunday Reflection (February 19, 2023)

The first coming of Jesus Christ was a dawning whose brightness grows until Christ comes again (2 Peter 1:16-19).  This brightness grows in that the message of God’s love and compassion revealed in Jesus Christ has gone beyond Palestine unto the ends of the earth, even unto Galax and where you live. We are part of a growing brightness in which the sharing of God’s love and compassion happens most often in the simple caring compassionate things that we do.

Because of Jesus Christ, a new day/age has begun. Indeed, it is a new age that introduces a new way of understanding life and a new way of living life. This brightness continues to grow within us and among us because the Holy Spirit creates us as instruments of divine love and compassion in the way of Jesus Christ.