Devotion February 14, 2024

Devotion February 13, 2024

Sunday Reflection (February 11, 2024)

The Holy Spirit makes us vessels and instruments of God’s love and mercy. This is a work in progress for all of us, and yes, there might be “mountain top experiences” with an immediate insight or a feeling of God’s presence but these are ephemeral. The Holy Spirit slowly and gradually forms Christ within us and among us so that our views, attitudes, words, and deeds are those of a follower of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 4:3-6).

The Holy Spirit is transforming us as Christ’s Church to become a light to the world and reflect God’s love and compassion to the world. This begins with those around us, and even extends to enemies! As the Psalmist (50:2) related: “Out of Zion God shines forth in perfect beauty.” That is not mean, ugly, vindictive, and malicious, but “beauty.” The Holy Spirit continually creates within us and among us the beauty revealed in Jesus Christ.

Prayer for the Week (February 11, 2024-February 17, 2024)

Let us pray to our Almighty Father whose Son was revealed in majesty before he suffered death upon the cross: God, give us grace to perceive his glory in suffering, so that we be strengthened to suffer with him and be changed into his likeness, from glory to glory. Amen.

                               (Book of Common Prayer)




Sunday Sermon February 11, 2024

Devotion February 7, 2024

Devotion February 6, 2024

Sunday Reflection (February 4, 2024)

The love and compassion of God drove Paul to engage others “where they were.” Does God’s love and compassion drive you to engage others where they are? Not where we think they should be, but where they are. Do we only engage others when they see things our way or behave more like us? Do we engage others only when they speak English fluently? God forbid that we even learn some rudimentary Spanish!
Being flexible on account of the Gospel does mean that there will be times you leave your comfort zone, meet new people, and offer the prospect of friendship. Yes, there are people better and more comfortable at this, but we can all learn from Paul about being flexible when it comes to enacting and proclaiming the love and compassion of God with people “where and as they are.”

Prayer for the Week (February 4, 2024-February 10, 2024)

Let us pray to our compassionate God who is near to us in Jesus Christ: God, we cry out to you in our weariness and in our sorrow and illness, as your Son called upon you in his suffering unto death. Strengthen us in the conviction that you are to be found in our pain as well as in our joys, and that you care for us through him who showed us how much you loved us, Jesus Christ our Lord, who eternally dwells with you and the Holy Spirit, One God now and forever more.  Amen.
                                                                                          (Claretian Publications)                   



Sunday Sermon February 4, 2024