Prayer for the Week (December1, 2024-December 7, 2024)

Let us pray that we anticipate the coming of Jesus our Savior:  God our Father, you sent your Messiah into our world with the power of love and compassion.  May all your people accept him in faith so that Christ be birthed and grow within us and among us.  May your Church be faithful to the Gospel of justice and peace. Amen.

                                                                                                                  (Claretian Publications)





Sunday Sermon December 1, 2024

Devotion November 20, 2024

Devotion November 19, 2024

Prayer for the Week (November 17, 2024-November 23, 2024)

Prayer for the Week
Let us pray to God with confidence and assurance: We come here to worship you, loving God, not because we are better than others but because we have been found by your love. We express our love for you in our limited way, yet we dearly want our love for you and others to increase. We ask this in the name of Christ.

                                                                                        (Bruce Prewer)




Sunday Reflection (November 17, 2024)

Sunday Reflection upon 1 Samuel 1, Daniel 12, & Mark 13

Many parts of the world are still in pain and anguish, some more than others. In such times, may turn to the Lord for hope. If we find ourselves in a place of relative peace, may we intercede and pray for those who are not. The one who lost a loved one, the one who received a bad health report, the one experiencing the brokenness of personal relationships. Children who worry that a bomb will drop on their home while they sleep.  May we turn to the Lord in distressing times. May we intercede and pray for those in difficult times. Let’s be a community of compassion and unity, supporting each other in need. Let’s remember that we are responsible for creating a world where the vulnerable feel safe and supported, and let’s be motivated to fulfill that responsibility.

Sunday Sermon November 17, 2024

Devotion November 13, 2024

Devotion November 12, 2024

Prayer for the Week (November 10, 2024-November 16, 2024)

Let us pray to God, who is the source of every good: Father in heaven from whose fullness we have received through the Holy Spirit, direct our steps to follow your Son, Jesus Christ.  Remove the selfishness that blurs the vision of faith, and through the Holy Spirit, make known to us the demands of love that lead to peace. Grant this through Christ our Lord.  Amen.

                                                                                        (Sunday Missal, alt.)