Prayer for the Week (April 21, 2024-April 27, 2024)
/in From the Pastor/by Diane PalumboPrayer for the Week
Let us pray that Jesus be the shepherd of our lives: God our Father, by his own free will Jesus gave his life for us so that we might live and be saved. Give us the courage to
listen to his voice and follow him on the way to you. May we reflect the love he has shown us by caring for one another with the same self-forgetting kindness he has shown to us.
We ask you this in the name of Jesus the Lord.
Sunday Reflection (April 21, 2024)
/in From the Pastor/by Diane PalumboThe Holy Spirit guides us to lead others, yet how do we know we are in the truth, not in a romanticized sense, but in reality? It is to love in word and deed (1 John 3:17-18). Truth and action begin with those around us – family, friends, neighbors, co-workers. It starts with those around us who do not like us and those we do not particularly like.
Again, how do we know we are in the truth? This medieval monk from Britain guides us. “When we love our neighbors in deed and in truth, we assure our hearts in the light of the supreme truth. When we do works of godliness, it becomes apparent that we are of the truth, which is God, because we are copying his perfect love to the best of our ability (Venerable Bede).”
Sunday Reflection (April14, 2024)
/in From the Pastor/by Diane PalumboThe Holy Spirit progressively produces within us and among us a likeness unto the character of Christ so that we live out the commandment of love, which characterizes both the present and future. I do not always find enacting love and compassion easy; thus, this appeal from First John (3:3): “Everyone having this hope [of beholding Christ face to face] purifies himself/herself as that one is pure, and that one who is pure is Jesus Christ.” The perfect and pure one accepts us in our imperfection and impurity, offering comfort and encouragement on our journey.
The light of God’s love revealed in Christ purifies our hearts of hatred, malice, bigotry, and prejudice. The light of God’s love purifies our hearts from that which demeans another human being or a group of people. The light of God’s love purifies our hearts of that which leads us to overlook the injury we cause others. “Purification of the heart is a response to God’s love as we obey the commands of Christ” (Interpretation Commentary). This process of purification, fueled by love and compassion, gives us hope and motivates us to continue our journey.
Prayer for the Week (April 14, 2024-April 20, 2024)
/in From the Pastor/by Diane Palumbo
- Worship Service on March 9, 2025 10:30 am
- UMW Monthly Meeting on March 11, 2025 10:30 am
- Worship Service on March 16, 2025 10:30 am
- Worship Service on March 23, 2025 10:30 am
- Worship Service on March 30, 2025 10:30 am
Galax First United
Methodist Church
306 West Center Street
Galax, VA 24333
(Get Directions)
Phone: 276-236-9937
Sunday Services:
10:30 am