Devotion June 18, 2024

Prayer for the Week (June 16, 2024-June 22, 2024)

Let us pray to the Father whose love gives us strength to follow his Son: God our Father, we rejoice in the faith that draws us together. May your encouragement be our constant strength to keep us one in the love that has sealed our lives. May we live the Gospel we profess by listening to the Holy Spirit who leads us in the way of Christ. Amen.
                                                        (Sunday Missal, alt.)




Sunday Reflection (June 16, 2024)

Sunday Reflection upon 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1

Jesus Christ has commissioned not just individuals but all Christians and congregations of Christ’s Church to plant the seed of the Good News of Jesus Christ. Planting spiritual seeds is a shared responsibility, a task we all contribute to. However, planting seeds is not always easy because we do not always see the result of what we have planted or if someone else reaps the benefit. But we reap the benefit of that which others have planted, fostering a deep sense of community and shared growth.  As a society and economy, we demand quantifiable results to justify our actions. Faith-wise, not seeing measurable results may lead to discouragement or greater faith in God’s ability to bring what God has planted through us to fruition.

Let us not be swayed by the allure of instant results, but instead, let us focus on the noble act of sowing seeds of faith, love, and compassion. Once planted, these seeds can potentially revolutionize lives and communities, sparking a transformation that we may not even be able to fully comprehend. Remember, a tiny seed, once sown, can grow into a mighty tree, offering shade and comfort to others. Our work, guided by God, is not for our gain but for the benefit of others. We are the humble gardeners, planting the seed; God is the masterful cultivator, working miracles through us.

Sunday Sermon June 16, 2024

Devotion June 12, 2024

Devotion June 11, 2024

Prayer for the Week (June 9, 2024-June 15, 2024)

Let us pray for daily renewal: Thank you, Lord God, that you have cleansed us from sin and saved us from the power of the enemy through the death and resurrection of your Son. May our sinful self be destroyed each day as the Holy Spirit brings life to us each day, and continually creates a new person created unto the image of God fully revealed in Christ. Amen.



Sunday Reflection (June 9, 2024)

We base our society on increasing sales, profits, and numbers in this temporal existence.   We reason that such increases generally indicate success, but Paul had a different concept of increases. For Paul, the renewal of the inner person leads “to an increase of grace to more and more people.” This renewal is a daily spiritual transformation and growth so that no matter our age or situation, we grow and increase in grace and kindness unto the Image of Christ.
Extending grace when we’re tired, weary, and fed up is a challenge. But we can find strength in the hope that God’s grace will flow through our lives, increasingly reaching others. We hold onto this hope because God will fully restore and reconcile us. Despite our current struggles and the limitations of our physical existence, we trust God’s healing and restoration will prevail in the unfolding of time.

Sunday Sermon June 9, 2024

Devotion June 4, 2024