Prayer for the Week (August 26 – September 1)

Let us pray to God for the courage to be faithful to God: Faithful God, in the daily choices we make, give us the courage to opt always for the way of our example, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Through the Holy Spirit, guide us on the difficult road we sometimes take without seeing where it will lead us. Keep us from making half-hearted decisions where we have not enough faith. Keep us always faithful through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
(Claretian Publications, alt.)

Sunday Reflection (August 26, 2018)


In spite of all the misery and evil we do to each other, the book of Ephesians tells us that Christ has ultimate Lordship over the world. This happens not through instruments that inflict pain, injury, and death upon others, but through instruments of peace, truth, and righteousness.

Ephesians tell us that our strength is not in force of arms but in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 6:10-20). We challenge and engage evil by living lives of truth, love, compassion, and faithfulness. These are our instruments of warfare, and in this way, we bring the hope of a greater peace in the world.

Pastoral Ponderings (August 2018)

I look forward to this month. I have always heard of the Fiddler’s Convention in Galax but never attended. Not only do I get to hear it from my lawn, I even have the privilege of saying a prayer at it.

I also checked out the BBQ competition in late July. I sampled about 19 varieties and made a People’s Choice vote. Although a few were already empty by the time I sampled, my vote was #5. If anyone knows what #5 was, let me know. I thought the BBQ teams would sell BBQ during the competition; however, I did learn that you could obtain it later in the afternoon/evening. I went about 7:00 in the evening. I was disappointed. It was too late, but I did purchase a local Brisket sandwich and was culinarily happy.

Life is full of disappointments. Some are minor disappointments and some are major. What do with when we are disappointed? The disciples were sorely disappointed with Jesus. They witnessed the miracles of Jesus and learned what they could of what he taught. They were there when Jesus was gloriously received into Jerusalem. They were also there when he left Jerusalem on the way to crucifixion.

Disappointment perhaps does not describe fully what they must have felt when Jesus was arrested. It was abject disappointment mixed with fear and anxiety. Nevertheless, we know how the story turned out: Resurrection! In light of the resurrection, the disciples made adjustments. They found the courage to not only proclaim the Good News of Jesus. They found the courage to be faithful to God in the midst of difficult painful times.

According to traditions, many disciples suffered martyrdom. Not the type where they died with a weapon in their hand, but the type where they, like Christ, suffered because they chose to follow the way of Christ and its message of non-violence and sharing God’s kindness and love with the world. They glorified Christ with their lives to the degree that what they shared was not their life and legacy but the life and legacy of Christ.

The disappointment, fear, and anxiety of the disciple gave way to courage and hope. Life does not always flow the way we anticipate or the way we wish. Events happen in life that devastate us. May we trust God, especially in those times.

May we be faithful to God and others in the way of Christ; no matter the situation, no matter our disappointment. May we not give up on sharing the love and kindness revealed in Jesus Christ. Christ suffers with us. May we suffer with those going through hard times, and in life, we will all go through hard times where we need one another.

Pastor Mark McFadden

Sunday Reflection (July 30)

Paul had great confidence in God and what God can do through Christ’s Church (Ephesians 3:14-21). Having been rooted and grounded in God’s love, God works through us, doing far more than we imagine. We are strengthened with an increasing comprehension of God’s love, and its great capacity to flow from us to others and transform the world.

What type of world do you imagine? What do you imagine that God could do through a local congregation of Christ’s Church? Remember, God can do far more than we imagine because, through the Holy Spirit, Christ dwells in our hearts and fills us with the fullness of God (C. H. Talbert).”

Prayer for the Week (July 30-August 6)


Let us pray for the faith to recognize God’s presence in our world: God our Father, open our eyes to see your hand at work in the splendor of creation and in the beauty of life. Touched by your hand our world is holy. Help us to cherish the gifts that surround us, and share your blessings with others.
(Sunday Missal, alt.)


I am such a creature of habit. I hate change. I get upset when Head & Shoulders changes their shampoo bottle. I almost went into shock when Food City rearranged their aisles. So you can imagine how the major change in my life, going from Full Elder Status to Retired Elder Status, is affecting me!

For the past forty years my identity has been that of the preacher. I have served United Methodist Congregations as the “Pastor in Charge.” After this Annual Conference this may not be the case. My life has also been centered around the Sunday Worship Service so I will need to make a major readjustment in how I spend my time. This will not come easily for me.

Now my head knows that the change has to come. Especially in our United Methodist itinerant system. We know we are not appointed to stay an any one church or charge but realize that eventually there will be a change. However, this head knowledge never found its way into my heart!

So if I seem preoccupied or “not quite right” during the next few weeks, please bear with me. The Second Sunday in June will be my last time in the pulpit. However I will be “on call” to be your pastor should the need arise, until the new minister takes over July 1st.

Even though I will no longer be your minister I hope to always be your friend.

My new mailing address is: 412 ½ West Center Street, Apt C, Galax, VA 24333

Know that I will always love you.


“The Merry Month of May”

May is one of my favorite months of the year. The promise of Spring is usually finally realized. Yet the weather is not as hot and humid as it gets later in the year. The school year is ending but vacation season, when so many are away from the church that attendance suffers, has not yet begun. Flowers are blooming and all of creation seems to be praising God.

However May is special for two important events that happen during the month. The first is Mother’s Day. The second Sunday of May is the time set aside to honor our mothers. As a child, I remember getting ready to go to church on Mother’s Day and going out to what we called the “Bubby Rose” bush and picking one of those red flower to wear. Red was the color you wore if your mother was still living and white was worn if she was deceased. I remember feeling really sad when Daddy wore a white flower after Grandmother Gregory died. A mother’s or grandmother’s love is very special.

Another childhood memory is tied to the date May 10th, for mother would never let us go barefoot until that date. Even though I resented it then, especially during those hot days of late April and early May, I came to realize that mother really had my best interest at heart. Often we resent the limitations God places on us without realizing that God has our best interest at heart as well. It is true that a Mother’s Love is the closest thing on Earth to God’s love.

So this May 13th take time to let your mother know how special she is if you are fortunate enough to still have her. If your mother has passed away, take the time to honor her memory.

The second important event is May is Pentecost. This is the birthday of the church. The Holy Spirit filled that Upper Room and changed a group of frightened powerless disciples into the mighty Church of Jesus Christ! With the fire and power of the indwelling presence of the Spirit they were bold enough to change the world. Heat what even those who opposed them had to say: “Those who have turned the world upside down have come here too.” [Acts 17:6 N.K.J.V.]

What a wonderful testimony! How it puts us to shame! Maybe the church needs to wake up and realize that he Holy Spirit can give us the power to turn our world upside down for Christ. Let us claim that power, not just of Pentecost Sunday, May 20th, but each and every day of the rest of our lives.


Pastoral Ponderings : March 2018

“The wind blows wherever it wishes; you hear the sound it makes, but you do not know where it comes from or where it is going. It is like that with everyone who is born of the spirit.” [John 3:8 T.E.V.]

The poet may have been reflecting on these words of Jesus when he wrote: “Who has seen the wind? Neither you nor I. But when the trees bow down their heads, the wind is passing by. “ Wind has often been the symbol of God’s presence. We readily remember the day of Pentecost when: “when suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.” [Act. 2:2 K.J.V.] Therefore the blowing wind should remind us of the Holy Spirit.

However, often we only think of the destructive nature of the wind rather than the good it does. I grew up on a farm in Barren Springs that was name, “Spreading Oaks Farm.” The old farmhouse was surrounded by many huge old oak trees. Some were in pretty bad shape; hollow and rotten. Now I enjoyed the cool shade they provided and moaned and griped when I had to rake their leaves in the fall. But some of my most vivid memories are of covering my head and being so afraid as I lay in bed when the March winds would blow. I just knew that one of those hollow oak trees was going to come crashing through my bedroom at any minute.

Well one night one of those trees did fall! By the grace of God it fell away from the house. My father and some of the neighbors sawed up that tree into firewood and cleaned up the mess that it had made. Soon all that was left was a three foot high stump about six feet across and hollow in the middle. My mother filled that stump with dirt and planted flowers in it. Soon from the destruction the wind had caused, new life sprang forth bringing beauty and joy where there had only been decay and rot.

Sometimes when the wind of God’s Spirit blows across our lives there are areas of decay, rot and sin that must be swept away before new life can occur. So this year when you hear the March winds blow, think of God. Allow the Holy Spirit to come into your life. For you see, even when the wind causes destruction, new life awaits!

– Richard

“New Year.”

“And the one who was seated on the throne said, ‘See I am making all things new.’ Also he said, ‘Write this, for these words are trustworthy and true.” [Revelation 21:5 N.R.S.V]

January first begins a new year. For some people this is a major event. They celebrate New Year’s Eve. Many do this by making New Year’s resolutions, most of which are broken by January second. For others it is just another day, no different from December 31st or January 2nd.

For most of my life I found myself numbered among the latter group. The only real significant New Year Day had for me was that it marked, back in the day, the end of college football season.

However, this New Year has a real meaning for me. 2018 will be the year I take Retired Status with the Holston Annual Conference. Having reaching the mandatory retirement age, I have no choice in the matter. So in effect, this will be a new beginning.

John’s vision found in Revelation 21:5 has God promising to make all things new and assuring us that that promise is true. While we usually do not think of this promise except at funerals and those rare times we think about the end of time, I submit that God can and will do a new thing in our lives and in the life of our church beginning this year.

So make a New Year’s resolution to develop a closer walk with God, to deepen your spiritual life and to support your church with more of your money, time and talents than you ever did before. Another resolution I want you to make is to help keep me focused the first half of the year and if I start acting like a “short-timer” call me on it!

God gives us a new year, let us make the best of it!



“Count your many blessings, name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done.”

The other night I was having trouble sleeping.  Some people say that sleeplessness is a part of the aging process, but I am too young for that to be true, so there must have been another reason.  Pretty soon I was having a real pity party.  In my mind I was going through a long litany of problems and things that were wrong in my life.  Then all of a sudden the words of a song I thought I had long forgotten came into my mind.  Try as I would, I could not get those words out of my consciousness.

Those words were: “Count your many blessings, name them one by one.  Count your many blessings, see what God has done.”  I began to do that and pretty soon I realized just how much God has blessed me.  The next thing I knew it was morning.  When I awoke I wanted to finish my list.  I soon realized it could not be finished.  God’s blessings are really without number.

Maybe what I came to understand is the true meaning of what Thanksgiving really is.  Beingthankful for the good things God gives us and not allowing the problems that we incur to become the things that control us and give us our identity.  When we dwell entirely on the negative we lose sight of the positive.

By the way here are some things that topped my list:

  1. Jesus Christ – God loved me enough to send His One Begotten Son to be my savior.
  2. The beauty of creation – God looked at all God had made and indeed it was very good. (Genesis 1:31) That goodness has not been overcome.
  3. First Galax United Methodist Church – I am blessed to serve a church that loves the Lord and cares for one another.
  4. The portion of health I enjoy – my health problems are not nearly as bad as they could be.
  5. Family – I thank God for those who love, sometimes in spite of me.

I am also very thankful for friends, for our combined Worship Service, for our Future Committee who are looking at ways the church can improve over the years, and for my upcoming Retirement.

May we begin to count our blessings and realize just what God has done for us.  May we do tis not just on the fourth Thursday of November, but each and every day we live.
