Devotion September 4, 2024

Prayer for the Week (September 1, 2024-September 7, 2024)

Let us pray that our whole life give praise and thanks to the Lord:  Father, you have tied us to yourself with strings of everlasting love. Open our hearts to your Word so that it moves us toward you and others in loving faithfulness.  May your Word move us to serve you not in a slavish way but as your sons and daughters who love you and whom you have set free.

(Claretian Publications)





Sunday Reflection (September 1, 2024)

Sunday Reflection upon Deuteronomy 6:1-9

Many of you may recall the phrase ‘taking care of business’ from an earlier era. In the context of Deuteronomy and the Church, ‘taking care’ is not just a suggestion but a responsibility. It means to be diligent and faithful in following the Lord’s commandments. The Lord’s message to the ancient Israelites and their Scripture story is a testament to their struggles to ‘take care and watch themselves closely.’ We, too, are called to this responsibility.

Less we lean toward Christian triumphalism; this Scripture Reading reminds us to also ‘take care’ because we know from the history of Christianity that we have failed more than once when it comes to revealing to the world God’s love and compassion shown in Jesus Christ. Our history is marked by instances where we strayed from love and compassion, often resorting to judgment and condemnation. Nevertheless, in celebrating the Lord’s Supper, we ‘take care’ to continue the tradition of ‘remembering the night in which the Lord gave himself up for us,’ a sacrifice that we should always hold in reverence and gratitude.

Sunday Sermon September 1, 2024

Devotion August 27, 2024

Sunday Reflection (August 25, 2024)

 Sunday Reflection upon John 6:66-69

We all grapple with the challenge of obeying Christ, which humbles us and prevents us from feeling superior to others. We are tempted to follow Christ on our terms, veering away from his path.  Yet, despite our imperfections, we can take comfort in the fact that the Holy Spirit, the divine wisdom of God, continues to guide us on the path of Christ.

God’s forgiveness, healing, and restoration are not distant promises but ever-present realities. They are the tools that enable us to bring forgiveness, healing, and restoration to the world around us. We may not understand everything, but we can be sure that through time, our understanding will grow in the love and grace of God revealed in Jesus Christ.

Prayer for the Week (August 25, 2024-August 31, 2024)

Let us pray to God for the courage to be faithful to God: Faithful to God in the daily choices we make, give us the courage to opt always for the way of our example, Jesus Christ, our Lord.  Through the Holy Spirit, guide us on the difficult road we sometimes take without seeing where it will lead us.  Keep us from making half-hearted decisions when we do not have enough faith. Keep us always faithful through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

 (Claretian Publications, alt.)





Sunday Sermon August 25, 2024

Devotion August 21, 2024

Devotion August 20, 2024