Entries by Diane Palumbo

Sunday Reflection (April 5, 2020)

The great contrast of Palm-Passion Sunday is the glorious, jubilant entrance with Jesus leaving Jerusalem to Golgotha bearing the cross a few days later. The crowd that had joyously received him ridiculed and rejected him viciously as he bore the cross to Calvary. The disciples flee but his mother and a few other women watch […]

Prayer for the Week (April 5-April 11)

Let us pray to God who sent us Jesus to reveal God’s love to us:  Lord Jesus, though mocked and derided, you were not put to shame; though beaten and pat upon, you were not disgraced; though innocent and unjustly crucified, you, the Son of God, have been vindicated by your sinless life and exalted […]

Sunday Reflection (March 29, 2020)

We may spiritually stumble because we do not pay attention, or we may stumble because we gladly enjoy that into which we are stumbling. Nevertheless, the Holy Spirit guides us to the light of God’s revelation in Jesus Christ (John 11:9-10). When we neglect the Holy Spirit, we trip and walk in darkness, and poison […]

Prayer for the Week (March 29-April 4)

Let us pray for the courage to embrace the world in the name of Christ: Father in heaven, the love of your Son led him to accept the suffering of the cross so that we might find life in divine forgiveness. Change our selfishness into self-giving. May we embrace the world you have given us […]