Entries by Diane Palumbo

Sunday Reflection (September 22, 2024)

 Sunday Reflection upon Psalm 1, Jeremiah & Mark’s Gospel The first Psalm contrasts the ways of those who “delight in the teaching of the Lord” with the way of the “wicked.” Psalm 1 points out that God watches over the righteous and judges the way of the wicked. The prophet Jeremiah lived through the downfall […]

Prayer for the Week (September 22, 2024-September 28, 2024)

Let us pray to God our Father who welcomes us into his kingdom through Jesus Christ: God our Father, you tenderly stoop down to us, fallible and limited people and your preference goes to children, the weak, and the humble. May we accept your Good News with the receptive attitude of children.  Help us understand […]

Sunday Reflection (September 15, 2024)

 Sunday Reflection upon Hebrews 1:1-3 The importance of Jesus Christ continues to anchor and guide Christ’s Church to this day! His teaching and example are our compass, guiding us in our journey of faith. We pray as he prayed; we imitate his life with love and compassion as much as we are able. We relate […]