Entries by Diane Palumbo

Prayer for the Week (Sept. 15-Sept. 21)

Let us pray to our faithful Father who always loves us and waits for us: God, our patient Father, it is a joy for you to forgive the repentant sinner. You even allowed your Son to lay down his life to bring us forgiveness and life. Dispose those whom we have offended to forgive us […]

Sunday Reflection (September 15, 2019)

Moses interceded for Israel and understood that God seeks to restore and renew sinful people (Exodus 32:7-14). Perhaps more often than not, we desire mercy for ourselves, and justice and judgment for those whom we deem greater sinners than we. Our New Testament Scripture Reading from 1Timothy affirmed God’s grace despite human unrighteousness (1 Timothy […]

Prayer for the Week (Sept. 8-Sept. 14)

Let us pray that we follow Jesus consistently through the leading of the Holy Spirit: God our Father, we have accepted your invitation to follow your Son, Jesus, as his disciples. May the Holy Spirit give us the wisdom and strength to take our faith seriously and to accept our task in life with all […]

Sunday Reflection (September 8, 2019)

We Christians have been far from perfect. Christians have justified slavery and segregation with Scripture. Christians have used the non-violent Jesus as a pretext for war. As an individual representative of Jesus Christ, I can say that I have been far from perfect, yet there is hope (Jeremiah 18:4). Yet, through the Holy Spirit, God […]

Sunday Reflection (September 1, 2019)

When we think of the Old Testament we may have the image of God on Mt. Sinai as was mentioned last week. The Israelites could not even approach the mountain and Moses trembled with fear. However, one aspect of the Old Testament that we may overlook is the Old Testament’s thorough emphasis upon fairness and […]

Prayer for the Week (Sept. 1-Sept. 7)

Let us pray to God who forgives all who call upon him: Lord God of power and might, fill our minds with insight into love so that every thought grow in wisdom and all our efforts be filled with your peace. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. (Sunday Missal, alt.)

Prayer for the Week (August 25-Aug 31)

Let us pray that we live as we believe: God our Father, you have given us Jesus, your Son, as the door through which we enter into your kingdom. May we learn to listen to his voice and to follow him without reserve. May our authentic Christian living bring goodness and joy to this world […]

Sunday Reflection (August 25, 2019)

God offers us forgiveness and an invitation to fellowship with God, and perhaps this is a concept of God that we Christians forget when we want to see someone punished by God. Yet, Jesus Christ gives us a better offer: Forgiveness, renewal, restoration, and fellowship with God (Hebrews 12:18-24). May we, in turn, offer others […]

Prayer for the Week (August 18-Aug 24)

Let us pray with humility and persistence: Almighty God, ever-loving Father, your care extends beyond the boundaries of race and nation to the hearts of all who live. May the walls which prejudice raises between us crumble beneath the shadow of your outstretched arms. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. (Sunday Missal)

Sunday Reflection (August 18, 2019)

Jesus tells us that he came to bring division (Luke 12:49-53). First, this does not mean that we go out of our way to create a division and a ruckus in the name of Christ. Second, it is not a badge of Christianity to say mean ugly things in order to rile others up. Yet, […]