Entries by Diane Palumbo

Prayer for the Week (August 9-August 15)

Let us pray that through us others find the way to life in Christ: Father, we come, reborn in the Spirit, to celebrate our sonship and daughtership in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Touch our hearts and help them grow toward the life you have promised. Touch our lives and make them signs of your love […]

Sunday Reflection (August 9, 2020)

Remember, you reap what you sow!  The elder brothers of Joseph sold him into slavery and deceived their aged father, Israel, about the circumstances. Later in life, Joseph rose to be second in command of all Egypt and his brothers come to Egypt seeking food. Joseph recognized them but they did not recognize him. Now […]

Sunday Reflection (August 2, 2020)

Many of God’s blessings are free, but some cost us greatly if we pursue them (Genesis 32:22-31). The Patriarch Jacob received a limp and that limp can be compared to the scars of Jesus’ hands and feet.  As I said, some blessings have a high cost, if we pursue them.  I still have my struggles […]

Prayer for the Week (August 2-August 8)

Let us pray to the Father whose kindness never fails: God our Father, gifts without measure flow from your goodness to bring us your peace. Our life is your gift. Guide our life’s journey, for only your love makes us whole.  Keep us strong in your love. Amen. (Sunday Missal)