Entries by Diane Palumbo

Sunday Reflection (July 19, 2020)

Paul paints a rather bleak picture of creation.  It is not one of peace, harmony, and co-existence in joy (Romans 8:18-30).  Paul points out that creation groans in labor pains as it awaits something better.  We ourselves groan in labor pains for a better world because we know there is much that is wrong in the world.  We have […]

Prayer for the Week (July 19-July 25)

Let us pray to God our Father for discerning hearts: Lord God, our Father, our heart remains restless until it has discovered the peace you offer us in your Son Jesus Christ.  May we not put our trust and joy in brittle, perishable things, but in your Son, his Good News, and the kingdom he came […]

Prayer for the Week (July 12-July 18)

Let us pray for the gift of spiritual growth: Almighty and merciful God, you have planted within us and among us the seed of your Word. Help us by your Holy Spirit to receive it with joy and live according to it, so that we grow in faith, hope, and love. Amen. (Claretian Publications)